[R-pkg-devel] Package bioOED has been removed from CRAN just for personal reasons

Rolf Turner ro||turner @end|ng |rom po@teo@net
Thu Nov 2 20:52:41 CET 2023

On Wed, 1 Nov 2023 16:10:34 +0000
David Hugh-Jones <davidhughjones using gmail.com> wrote:

> Aside from the package question, surely the other issue here is that
> ...... email is extraordinarily rude. Any paid employee would
> be sacked for that. I appreciate R and CRAN are volunteer-run
> organisations, but I don’t think that should be an excuse for this
> level of, frankly, toxicity. Why is he allowed to get away with it?
> David

I've just had a look at the initial posting in this thread


and can see nothing rude or offensive in the email ....
that was copied and pasted into that posting.

I find *your* email far more offensive than anything that .....
has ever written.  Get a life.


Rolf Turner

P.S.  See fortunes::fortune(88).

R. T.

Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Stats. Dep't. (secretaries) phone:
         +64-9-373-7599 ext. 89622
Home phone: +64-9-480-4619

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