[R-pkg-devel] Package bioOED has been removed from CRAN just for personal reasons

Tomas Kalibera tom@@@k@||ber@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Nov 1 13:35:22 CET 2023

On 11/1/23 12:15, Alberto Garre wrote:
> Dear community,
> I feel dismay for having to write this email, but the issue must be brought
> up. On the 20th of October, I received an email from CRAN warning me of an
> issue with one of the packages I maintain (bioOED). The package depended on
> MEIGOR, a package that was no longer available in Bioconductor. I was given
> until 2023-11-03 to fix the issue.
> I contacted the MEIGOR maintainers and they told me they were migrating to
> CRAN. Yesterday, they contacted me again, telling me they needed more time
> for the migration. Hence, I responded to the email I received from CRAN,
> asking for an extension of the previous deadline (2023-11-03).
> To my surprise, it is not just that the extension was not granted, but the
> package has been removed from CRAN today (2023-11-01). Two days before the
> deadline (2023-11-03): https://cran.r-project.org/package=bioOED
> Then, I checked my inbox and I saw an email from one of the CRAN
> maintainers, showing that the package was removed because he had felt
> offended by my email. I copy-paste the email below.

I don't think this is true. The reason is that your package depends on 
an unavailable package, so cannot be installed. See 
https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/bioOED/index.html where the 
reason is publicly stated.

If I were you I'd simply wait once MEIGOR is on CRAN and then publish 
the archived package again.


> I understand that maintaining CRAN must be a huge work. I also work in
> academia, so I am totally aware of all the extra work that is required from
> us. But it is unreasonable that a package can be removed just because a
> maintainer throws a tantrum
> Again, I am really sorry I had to write this email, but CRAN cannot work if
> we allow this type of situation.
> Kind regards,
> Alberto Garre
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