[R-pkg-devel] "crossprod" is not a BUILTIN function

Plamen Mirazchiyski p|@men@m|r@zch|y@k| @end|ng |rom |ner|@org
Wed Oct 25 21:02:00 CEST 2023

Dear All,

Today I was preparing a new version for the RALSA package. I have built 
a Windows package using "devtools::check_win_devel()". I took the built 
Windows package and tested it on a Windows 10 machine to see if 
everything works as intended before submitting the source to CRAN. The 
machine has R 4.3.1, the latest official release. After I load the test 
RALSA package, R displays a message saying "Package RALSA built under R 
version 4.4.0", I guess this is what the win-builder uses when the 
source is sent via "devtools::check_win_devel()".

When testing one of the functions of the newly built RALSA package 
(lsa.corsstabs"), it crashes with the following message:

     Error in crossprod(x = sweep(x = as.matrix(replicated.averages),
     MARGIN = 2, : "crossprod" is not a BUILTIN function

I checked if it is a builtin by:

     grep(pattern = "cross", x = builtins(), value = TRUE)

This returned:

     [1] "tcrossprod" "crossprod"

I am not sure I understand, the "crossprod" function is in the base 
package and is builtin in 4.3.1, is it dropped in 4.4.0? If yes, how to 
overcome this?

Please advise.


Plamen Mirazchiyski, PhD
International Educational Research and Evaluation Institute
24 Tehnološki park
SI-1000 Ljubljana
tel.: +386 51 303 817
email: plamen.mirazchiyski using ineri.org

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