[R-pkg-devel] [EXTERNAL] Re: Warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C

Serguei Sokol @ergue|@@oko| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Sep 26 11:17:52 CEST 2023

Le 26/09/2023 à 10:50, Iñaki Ucar a écrit :
> On Tue, 26 Sept 2023 at 10:29, Sameh Abdulah <sameh.abdulah using kaust.edu.sa> wrote:
>> Thanks for replying!
>> The main problem that this warning from a C library that I am relying on, I have no control to fix the warning there. So, I am still getting this warning from R, when building my package.
> We don't have a way of knowing for sure, because you didn't provide a
> link to the package in question, so I'm just guessing here. From your
> description, it seems that you vendor OpenBLAS in your package,
And if you do, it's probably not the best way to proceed. R relies 
already heavily on BLAS. So it is already available and may be it is 
sufficient in your case to add the following lines to Makevars to link 
to the local BLAS and leave the choice of the vendor to a final user 
(OpenBLAS, Atlas, MKL, ...):


You can see a demo package of using BLAS/LAPACK in R e.g. at 


> and
> that's why you get a warning. Then you *do* have control to fix that:
> just patch your copy appropriately. This is what e.g. the BH package
> (and others) do. And in this case it would be nice to send the fix
> upstream too.
> Iñaki
>> Best,
>> --Sameh
>> From: R-package-devel <r-package-devel-bounces using r-project.org> on behalf of Jeff Newmiller via R-package-devel <r-package-devel using r-project.org>
>> Date: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at 11:19 AM
>> To: r-package-devel using r-project.org <r-package-devel using r-project.org>
>> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [R-pkg-devel] Warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C
>> This error arises because you are not declaring the function properly before you call it... likely because you have not included the appropriate header file or because you have typoed the function call.
>> If you provide a link to your package someone may point you more precisely to your error, but this is a pretty basic C language question rather than an R package question so it isn't technically on topic here.
>> On September 26, 2023 12:58:25 AM PDT, Sameh Abdulah <sameh.abdulah using kaust.edu.sa> wrote:
>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>> I've encountered a warning in my package that states:
>>> 'warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C [-Wstrict-prototypes].'
>>> This warning originates from one of the libraries I depend on, specifically OpenBLAS. So, I have no control to fix it inside OpenBLAS.
>>> I'm not sure how to resolve this issue.
>>> Best regards,
>>> --Sameh"
>> --
>> Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.
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