[R-pkg-devel] What to do when a package is archived from CRAN

Hiroaki Yutani yut@n|@|n| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Aug 27 07:36:47 CEST 2023


Ok, let's take a look at a real example. The first item of inst/AUTHORS of
prqlr (GitHub version) is this:

    addr2line (version 0.20.0):
      addr2line authors

You can find addr2line's owners on crates.io [1], while its manifest file
(Cargo.toml) [2] doesn't contain the names of its owners or authors. In
Rust's manifest, the "authors" field is optional [3] unlike R. You might
argue "owners" is not the same as "authors," but at least crates.io
provides the names of those who are responsible for the crate.

Let's go back to your question.

> So are you saying you have to use crates.io and do some extra step during
the (misnamed) "vendor" step?

"cargo vendor" doesn't take care of generating the list of authors, so it's
not "during the vender step." It has to be done separately anyway. I was
just saying you **can** use crates.io in that step instead of searching for
the authors manually one by one (or filling it with "foo authors" when the
manifest file doesn't contain any names).

That said, I agree with you in general that the Rust community is
relatively loose about authorship and licensing when compared with R. I
don't think it's necessarily a problem, but the impedance mismatch is a
headache. I was just trying to point out this part of your opinion

> the Rust community as there doesn't seem to be any accountability with
respect to ownership and attribution.

was not quite true. I hope the R community and the Rust community have
respect for each other.


[1]: https://crates.io/crates/addr2line
[2]: https://github.com/gimli-rs/addr2line/blob/0.20.0/Cargo.toml

2023年8月27日(日) 12:07 Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using r-project.org>:

> Yutani,
> On Aug 27, 2023, at 2:19 PM, Hiroaki Yutani <yutani.ini using gmail.com> wrote:
> Simon,
> > it's assumed that GitHub history is the canonical source with the
> provenance, but that gets lost when pulled into the package.
> No, not GitHub. You can usually find the ownership on crates.io. So, if
> you want a target to blame, it's probably just a problem of the script to
> auto-generate inst/AUTHORS in this specific case. But, clearly, Rust's
> ecosystem works soundly under the existence of crates.io, so I think this
> is the same kind of pain which you would feel if you use R without CRAN.
> Can you elaborate? I have not found anything that would have a list of
> authors in the sources. I fully agree that I know nothing about it, but
> even if you use R without CRAN, each package contains that information in
> the DESCRIPTION file since it's so crucial. So are you saying you have to
> use crates.io and do some extra step during the (misnamed) "vendor" step?
> (I didn't see the submitted tar ball of plqrl and its release on GitHub is
> not the actual package so can't check - thus just trying reverse-engineer
> what happens by looking at the dependencies which leads to GitHub).
> Sorry for nitpicking.
> Sure, good to get the fact straight.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> Best,
> Yutani
> 2023年8月27日(日) 6:57 Simon Urbanek <simon.urbanek using r-project.org>:
>> Tatsuya,
>> What you do is contact CRAN. I don't think anyone here can answer your
>> question, only CRAN can, so ask there.
>> Generally, packages with sufficiently many Rust dependencies have to be
>> handled manually as they break the size limit, so auto-rejections are
>> normal. Archival is unusual, but it may have fallen through the cracks -
>> but the way to find out is to ask.
>> One related issue with respect to CRAN policies that I don't see a good
>> solution for is that inst/AUTHORS is patently unhelpful, because most of
>> them say "foo (version ..): foo authors" with no contact, or real names or
>> any links. That seems to be a problem stemming from the Rust community as
>> there doesn't seem to be any accountability with respect to ownership and
>> attribution. I don't know if it's because it's assumed that GitHub history
>> is the canonical source with the provenance, but that gets lost when pulled
>> into the package.
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
>> PS: Your README says "(Rust 1.65 or later)", but the version condition is
>> missing from SystemRequirements.
>> > On Aug 26, 2023, at 2:46 PM, SHIMA Tatsuya <ts1s1andn using gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > I noticed that my submitted package `prqlr` 0.5.0 was archived from
>> CRAN on 2023-08-19.
>> > <https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=prqlr
>> <https://cran.r-project.org/package=prqlr>>
>> >
>> > I submitted prqlr 0.5.0 on 2023-08-13. I believe I have since only
>> received word from CRAN that it passed the automated release process. <
>> https://github.com/eitsupi/prqlr/pull/161>
>> > So I was very surprised to find out after I returned from my trip that
>> this was archived.
>> >
>> > The CRAN page says "Archived on 2023-08-19 for policy violation. " but
>> I don't know what exactly was the problem.
>> > I have no idea what more to fix as I believe I have solved all the
>> problems when I submitted 0.5.0.
>> >
>> > Is there any way to know what exactly was the problem?
>> > (I thought I sent an e-mail to CRAN 5 days ago but have not yet
>> received an answer, so I decided to ask my question on this mailing list,
>> thinking that there is a possibility that there will be no answer to my
>> e-mail, although I may have to wait a few weeks for an answer. My apologies
>> if this idea is incorrect.)
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Tatsuya
>> >
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