[R-pkg-devel] LICENSE file in an R package for CRAN submission

Emanuele Cordano em@nue|e@cord@no @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Aug 9 17:06:01 CEST 2023

Dear list,

is there a way to put the LICENSE file within an R package like in Github,
I have an R package on Github with a a LICENSE file compliant to Github and
containing the text of the licence citing in the DESCRIPION file. But when
I check the package , I obatained the following output:

* checking top-level files ... NOTE

is not mentioned in the DESCRIPTION file.

How can I solve this?
Thank you
Emanuele Cordano
Emanuele Cordano, PhD
Environmental Engineer / Ingegnere per l' Ambiente e il territorio nr.
3587 (Albo A - Provincia di Trento)
cell: +39 3282818564
email: emanuele.cordano using gmail.com,emanuele.cordano using rendena100.eu,
emanuele.cordano using eurac.edu
PEC: emanuele.cordano using ingpec.eu
URL: www.rendena100.eu
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emanuele-cordano-31995333
GitHub: https://github.com/ecor

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