[R-pkg-devel] New R CMD check warnings for html files

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Jul 1 21:00:06 CEST 2023

В Fri, 30 Jun 2023 14:20:00 -0700
arilamstein using gmail.com пишет:

> However, when I run R CMD check I now get a ton of warnings in what I
> assume is the conversion of the man files from .Rd to .html files. I
> assume that CRAN will reject the package due to the warnings.
> However, I don't really understand the warnings, or why they are
> occurring now (they did not happen before).

roxygen2-7.2.3 seems to produce a lot of warnings on your source files.
I don't have a lot of experience with roxygen2, but they may be part of
the problem:

>> 38: [county.R:5] Undocumented R6 methods: initialize and clip
>> 39: [county.R:5] Undocumented R6 field: add_state_outline
>> 40: [county.R:5] Must use one @param for each argument
>> ✖ $initialize(user.df) is not documented

(and so on for more than 50 warnings... or is it something on my end?)

> The entire file has not changed in 3 years. When I run roxygenize()
> locally the .Rd file does look much (at all?) different than what was
> checked into github year ago

What does `git diff` say after you run roxygenise()? For me, latest
roxygen2 seems to lead to zero HTML warnings and zero Rd changes.

What are your versions of roxygen2 and HTML Tidy? Do you get the HTML
warnings when checking your package on R-hub, Win-Builder, or Mac

Best regards,

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