[R-pkg-devel] New R CMD check warnings for html files

@rii@mstei@ m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com @rii@mstei@ m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Fri Jun 30 23:20:00 CEST 2023

Background: An old package that I maintain on CRAN recently stopped working
due to changes in R 4.3.0. In a previous post (
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-package-devel/2023q2/009268.html) people
here helped me find the best solution to the crash bug.

I would like to push this fix to CRAN as quickly as possible. However, when
I run R CMD check I now get a ton of warnings in what I assume is the
conversion of the man files from .Rd to .html files. I assume that CRAN
will reject the package due to the warnings. However, I don't really
understand the warnings, or why they are occurring now (they did not happen
before). Can someone here help me?

The last group of the warnings:

(visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_party.Rd:5): Warning: <link> inserting
"type" attribute
(visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_party.Rd:5): Warning: <script> proprietary
attribute "onload"
(visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_party.Rd:5): Warning: <script> inserting
"type" attribute
(visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_party.Rd:5): Warning: <table> lacks
"summary" attribute
(visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_party.Rd:10): Warning: <table> lacks
"summary" attribute

The function visualize_df_by_race_ethnicity_party is defined here:


The entire file has not changed in 3 years. When I run roxygenize() locally
the .Rd file does look much (at all?) different than what was checked into
github year ago:


So I am not sure what is going on here. Can I submit to CRAN as-is, or is
there something I should be doing first?



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