[R-pkg-devel] Convention or standards for using header library (e.g. Eigen)

Stephen Wade @tephem@t|c|@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jun 25 05:09:32 CEST 2023

Cheers Dirk and Simon for your advice, very helpful and clear.

It's certainly a complex problem, way above my experience and pay grade.

I've decided the solution for me would be to remove the dependency on Eigen
altogether, as I am only constructing and accessing sparse matrices at the
library-level. It's probably easier if I just write my own implementation
of that structure, keeping the package size in check and ensuring maximum

I hope a clearer picture emerges once the maintainers/devs have spare
capacity to address the issue - there are so many powerful header-only
libraries out there that could bring a lot to R - especially with tools
like Rcpp at hand.

Kind regards,

On Sun, Jun 25, 2023 at 3:44 AM Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd using debian.org> wrote:

> On 24 June 2023 at 21:35, Stephen Wade wrote:
> | Doesnt seem like the system package is worth it. Should the convention
> | simply be to bundle the headers in the package then? What about package
> | size - is there some limit to the size of included libraries/headers to
> | consider for CRAN?
> Here is one (drastic) example:
>   $ du -csh /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH
>   156M    /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/BH
>   156M    total
>   $
> Note that the package was smaller when it started (in 2013). (Note that the
> last time I checked its size, the largest (not just headers) package I know
> of on CRAN still was about twice as large still.)
> Anyway: as you are starting to see, this is a somewhat complex problem.
> Header packages are one approach. _Writing R Extensions_ mentions pure
> header
> packages and name-checks my packages BH, RcppArmadillo and RcppEigen in
> Section 1.1.3. I once wrote a short paper on this [1] (also a vignette [2])
> where I more or less recommend header packages because compiled ones are so
> much harder.  Recognise for example that a) no cross-OS way to check for
> packages exists (though pkg-config comes close), b) no general package
> managers exist, c) configure and cmake come close (but cmake is also an
> added
> system requirement; and configure is a no-show on Windows) and d) even
> within
> a given OS and release you may have very different versions. Lastly also:
> e)
> some packages (RcppEigen is an example) have patches the system library
> would
> not have applied (!!).
> So to me a simplified view is that just as R "abstracts away" POSIX so that
> we can always say e.g. 'dir.exists(path)' no matter where R runs, having a
> package with headers ensure we get a consistent _and reliable_ compilation
> experience from client packages. This matters.
> Now, there are clearly downsides. With my Debian maintainer hat on, I have
> to
> defend including Armadillo withon RcppArmadillo because the distro has it
> too
> (but then version skew ie d) above and ease of use and consistency etc
> dominate so we continue to ship RcppArmadillo).  At the same time, at CRAN
> we
> have needless duplications. For example, my RcppCCTZ package was the first
> to
> offer the nice (Google made but not a Google 'product') CCTZ library for R
> use (starting in 2015). But when I last checked a year or so ago, four
> other
> packages now included redundant extra copies. Also happens with Eigen. Not
> great.
> On the other side, packages with full (included or not) libraries work too,
> but they are more effort to portably provide them, to explain to users
> where
> to get them and keep them current and so.  It is hard (or even impossible)
> for R to fill in as a _general system_ package manager across all OSs and
> deployments.  There is a new kid on this block [3] we are starting to use
> at
> work, and which may help in time across the platforms that R uses. To be
> seen...
> So to sum up: I think header packages are great, and I maintain a few, both
> large and small in size.  I would encourage you to try them. For RcppEigen,
> you can just use LinkingTo: to gets its headers.  Some 400+ packages rely
> on
> it. (And its over 1000 for Armadillo now, and over 300 for BH.)
> Hth,  Dirk
> [1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.06416
> [2]
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/Rcpp/vignettes/Rcpp-libraries.pdf
> [3] https://vcpkg.io/en/
> --
> dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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