[R-pkg-devel] Please install cmake on macOS builders

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Wed May 10 22:59:22 CEST 2023


On 11 May 2023 at 08:35, Simon Urbanek wrote:
| Dirk,
| can you be more specific, please? I suspect that it may be rather an issue in your package. All build machines have the official cmake releases installed and there are many packages that use it successfully. Here is the report on the currently installed versions. If you require more recent version, let me know.
| high-sierra-x86_64$ /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake --version | head -n1
| cmake version 3.17.3
| big-sur-arm64$ /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake --version | head -n1
| cmake version 3.19.4
| mac-builder-arm64$ /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake --version | head -n1
| cmake version 3.21.2
| big-sur-x86_64$ /Applications/CMake.app/Contents/bin/cmake --version | head -n1
| cmake version 3.26.0

edd using rob:/tmp/lib/big-sur-arm64/results/4.3/crc32c.Rcheck$ cat 00install.out 
* installing *source* package ‘crc32c’ ...
** using staged installation
** libs
using C compiler: ‘Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.’
using C++ compiler: ‘Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403.’
using SDK: ‘MacOSX11.3.sdk’
mkdir crc32c/build && \
                cd crc32c/build && \
                cmake .. && \
                make all && \
                cp -v libcrc32c.a .. && \
                rm -rf *
/bin/sh: cmake: command not found
make: *** [crc32c/libcrc32c.a] Error 127
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘crc32c’
* removing ‘/Volumes/PkgBuild/work/1683752001-f31a3e60d7ec0840/packages/big-sur-arm64/results/4.3/crc32c.Rcheck/crc32c’
edd using rob:/tmp/lib/big-sur-arm64/results/4.3/crc32c.Rcheck$ 

That's from the downloaded 'results.tar.bz2' you offer.  Top-level URL is


Most of my shell understanding is based on the understanding that calling
something as 'cmake' should work if a 'cmake' is installed. Yet:

  /bin/sh: cmake: command not found

seems to point more at your system than at me.  I don't do any $PATH setting
or resetting. Does something else get in the way? macOS has surprised me
before so maybe you can offer a hint.

Hth, Dirk

dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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