[R-pkg-devel] How to declare Bioconductor Dependencies in the Description File of my R Package

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @end|ng |rom deb|@n@org
Wed May 3 16:22:09 CEST 2023


Please consider:

  - there are nearly 20k CRAN packages
  - all of them are mirrored at https://github.com/cran so you can browse

  - pick any one 'heavy' package you like, Seurat is a good example; there
    are other examples in geospatial or bioinformatics etc

  - you can browse _and search_ these to your hearts content

Here is an example of mine. In RcppArmadillo, years ago we (thanks to fine
Google Summer of Code work by Binxiang Ni) added extended support for sparse
matrices pass-through / conversione from R to C++ / Armadillo and back. That
is clearly an optional feature as most uses of (Rcpp)Armadillo use dense
matrices. So all code and test code is _conditional_.  File DESCRIPTION has

   Suggests: [...], Matrix (>= 1.3.0), [...], reticulate, slam

mostly for tests. I.e. We have very little R code: in one single file
R/SciPy2R.R we switched to doing this via reticulate and opee the function

    if (!requireNamespace("reticulate", quietly=TRUE)) {
        stop("You must install the 'reticulate' package (and have SciPy).", call.=FALSE)

after an actual deprecation warning (as there was scipy converter once).

Similarly, the testsuites in inst/tinytests/* have several

    if (!requireNamespace("Matrix", quietly=TRUE)) exit_file("No Matrix package")

as well as

    if (!requireNamespace("reticulate", quietly=TRUE)) exit_file("Package reticulate missing")

    if (!packageVersion("reticulate") >= package_version("1.14"))
        exit_file("SciPy not needed on newer reticulate")

and tests for slam (another sparse matrix package besides the functionality
in Matrix).

Hopefully this brief snapshot gives you an idea.  There are (likely!!)
thousandss of examples you can browse, and I am sure you will find something.
If you have further (concrete) questions please do not hesitate to use the
resource of this list.

Cheers (or I should say "mit Braunschweiger Gruessen nach Hannover),


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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