[R-pkg-devel] How to identify what flags "Additional Issues" for UBSAN

Kenny, Christopher chr|@topherkenny @end|ng |rom |@@@h@rv@rd@edu
Wed Mar 22 16:51:54 CET 2023

Hi folks,

I'm the maintainer of the redist package (https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_redist.html) which was flagged for additional issues with clang-UBSAN and gcc-UBSAN. Both of the 00check.log files say that the status is "OK" at the bottom.

Is there an easy way to identify what is causing the flag? I see things that it could be, for example in the tests Rout files, there are sanitizer errors like:
wilson.cpp:165:34: runtime error: signed integer overflow: -2147483648 * -1 cannot be represented in type 'int'
However, my understanding is that these errors should be expected, as the input is controlled from within the package and checking for these types of errors in every loop would push against the purpose of using C++ for performance here.

That leads me to believe that either I'm looking past the seriousness of one of these sanitizer warnings or I am missing something else that is being flagged.  I've looked at Writing R Extensions part 4.3, but do not see any specific additional information on this. Does anyone have advice or any guidance on figuring out exactly what causes the "Additional Issues" flag and subsequent email about fixing it?

Thank you,

ckenny using g.harvard.edu - christopherkenny using fas.harvard.edu
V.O. Key Fellow - Department of Government - Harvard University
Ashford Fellow - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences - Harvard University

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