[R-pkg-devel] How to update "SystemRequirements: C++11"?

Winston Chang w|n@tonch@ng1 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Feb 6 21:46:16 CET 2023

I recently submitted a package to CRAN with "SystemRequirements: C++11".
This raises the following NOTE on R-devel, and I was asked to fix and

* checking C++ specification ... NOTE
  Specified C++11: please update to current default of C++17

If I understand correctly, I have two options, neither of which will work:
1. Remove "SystemRequirements: C++11" entirely. The problem with this is
that on systems with older versions of R (3.6 and below, I believe), it may
try to compile the package with an older C++ standard, which will fail.
2. Update it to "SystemRequirements: C++17". The problem here is that on
systems that don't have a C++17 compiler, the package won't build -- even
though the package only actually requires a C++11 compiler.

How should I deal with this?


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