[R-pkg-devel] strange errors (non-ascii symbols) on win-builder R-devel

Maxim Nazarov m@x|m@n@z@rov @end|ng |rom open@n@|yt|c@@eu
Mon Jan 23 17:30:52 CET 2023

Hello all,

I am submitting a minor update to one of my CRAN package (BIGL), and get strange errors on R-devel on win-builder - https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/BIGL_1.6.7_20230119_225109/Windows/00check.log and https://win-builder.r-project.org/o339zPAR6pWG/00check.log (different symbols)

It shows strange output like "`1Y���hA�..." before tests and cryptic error-messages like "unable to translate '(<be><b1><a7>m' to a wide string"
I can also see similar output in examples - https://win-builder.r-project.org/o339zPAR6pWG/examples_and_tests/BIGL-Ex.Rout 

I don't get any isses on debian R-devel, on R-release on windows, and also can't reproduce the errors locally on a windows machine with R-devel, so I am a bit lost.
Would anyone have any idea of what goes wrong?

Kind regards,
Maxim Nazarov

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