[R-pkg-devel] Unable to create manual

Edward Wei edwwe|2020 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Oct 3 17:03:20 CEST 2022

Hello Ivan.

The Does list.files(pattern = 'utils|Rout\\.fail') gave me something like
an empty string.

So after getting some in-person help on this issue, the key to resolving
this error was explicitly defining the environmental variables in the
console as:



The makeindex was a package I was apparently missing for MikTex and I had
to download it as part of generating the manual.

I would have to set up the environmental variables every time that R got
started in order for the R CMD check to run smoothly.

Best regards,

On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 12:01 PM Ivan Krylov <krylov.r00t using gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Sep 2022 10:50:01 -0700
> Edward Wei <edwwei2020 using gmail.com> wrote:
> > 1. Where do I run "make check"?
> In the directory where R is built from source. If you're using a binary
> build of R, this isn't applicable.
> > 3. I get this back when I run the "tools::testInstalledPackages(scope
> > = "base")" on my RGUI.
> >
> > Error: testing 'utils' failed
> >
> > Where may I find the error log for this?
> testInstalledPackages() creates output files in the current directory.
> Does list.files(pattern = 'utils|Rout\\.fail') give you anything useful?
> --
> Best regards,
> Ivan

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