[R-pkg-devel] Strange behaviour of function called from within a function

J C Nash pro|jcn@@h @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Aug 13 19:15:51 CEST 2022

This posting is to answer "what I'm trying to do". Otherwise can be skipped.

My nlsr package has a completely different structure (philosophy?) from nls(). My aim is to
try VERY hard to get solutions and not give up with "singular gradient" or other issues as
nls() does. But the package is quite lean and doesn't return a lot of useful bits and pieces,
such as nls returned functions and model stuff. So I've got a wrapnlsr() function that runs my
solver, then passes the best parameters to nls(). This won't always work, for example, if
the Jacobian at the best parameters is still singular, but very often it will, and the
wrapper then returns all the goodies and a user can use the output as per nls().

Because my activities don't often get into those spin-offs of nls() -- for instance the
profile plots -- I really need some collaborators if nlsr is going to get more capable in
that regard. However, I feel the wrapper is at least a start.

For anyone interested, I have been tightening up the nlsr package and also trying to build a
quite comprehensive collection of examples. Some areas of improvement are in applying bounds
and masks (fixed parameters) and using selfStart models. There is still plenty to do, but the
base package nlsr should be upgraded on CRAN in a few weeks. If anyone is anxious to try it,
let me know. The changes are mostly internal. The examples collection is going to take a bit
longer to get tidy, but I'll be happy to share those too. Material is on Gitlab or Github,
though definitely a work in progress and updated daily, often with loose ends.

Best, JN

PS. Why would we "evaluate" the weights? The nls() man-page says they are fixed numbers, but
the nls.R code I pointed to does evaluate them, and that seems to be the trouble. Is that a bug?

On 2022-08-13 12:58, John Fox wrote:
> Dear John,
> After further thought, it's probably a better idea to evaluate the weights argument in the same environment as the 
> formula rather than to bypass nonstandard evaluation. You could use lm() as a guide. I don't entirely understand what 
> you're trying to do so maybe this suggestion is off-base.
> Best,
>   John
> On 2022-08-13 9:41 a.m., J C Nash wrote:
>> Thanks to John Fox and Noah Greifer. Both their approaches resolved my immediate
>> problem.
>> That is, to provide a summary of the fix of my example code,
>> tw <- function(formula, data, start, control, trace, weights) {
>>    firstcoef <- c(b1=199, b2=50, b3=0.3)
>>    cat("firstcoef:\n")
>>    print(firstcoef)
>>    cat("weights:"); print(weights)
>> # Following fails -- closure error
>> #  secondw<-nls(formula, data, firstcoef, control, algorithm=NULL, TRUE, weights=weights)
>> # from noah.greifer using gmail.com # this works OK
>>    secondw <- do.call("nls", list(formula, data, firstcoef, control, algorithm=NULL, TRUE, weights = weights))
>> #  As does putting weights in the data dataframe (here not active)
>> #  data$weights <- weights # from John Fox
>> #  secondw<-nls(formula, data, firstcoef, control, algorithm=NULL, TRUE, weights=weights)
>>    secondw
>> }
>> Afraid I avoid the wonders of non-standard evaluation, and this time it jumped up and bit me.
>> But then I remember what machine instruction 260000800009 did on an IBM 1620.
>> The swiftness of reply from John and Noah was much appreciated.
>> Best, JN

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