[R-pkg-devel] Minimizing package size containing Shiny app > 5 Mb

Jarrett Phillips ph||||p@j@rrett1 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed May 25 19:01:12 CEST 2022

Hi All,

I am preparing my package for a CRAN update.

This new version contains a Shiny app of 5.4 Mb in size. The total
package (including package functions and documentation) is 5.7 Mb in size.

Thus, there is an extra 0.4 Mb limiting successful submission to CRAN.
Actually, I haven't tried submitting, but I have a feeling it will fail.

The app contains a number of DNA FASTA files (.fas format) in the www
folder, taking up only 1.2 Mb of space. The rest of the content in this
folder is images.

I don't think I can compress the files (as per the Writing R Extensions
text) since they are needed by the app when a user selects a particular
file from a drop-doen menu.

I could ask for an exemption, but I've read from Hadley Wickham's R
Packages book that this hasn't been too successful in recent years.

Are there any other workarounds?




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