[R-pkg-devel] vignette build failure on rhub macos-m1 platform (missing pandoc?)

Duncan Murdoch murdoch@dunc@n @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon May 9 19:07:43 CEST 2022

On 29/03/2022 8:58 p.m., Ben Bolker wrote:
>       After a rather painful remote debugging process, I've figured out
> (I think) that the 'macos-m1-bigsur-release' platform on r-hub doesn't
> have pandoc, and doesn't have it in a way that breaks
> rmarkdown::pandoc_available(), so that trying to build an Rmarkdown
> vignette fails with a cryptic "subscript out of bounds" error.
>     Is this something people have seen before?
>     Recommendations about whether it's better to raise it as an issue
> with (1) rmarkdown maintainers, (2) r-hub maintainers, or (3) both?

Hi Ben.

I'm seeing this now for rgl.  Did you find a resolution?


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