[R-pkg-devel] Two problems with fda

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom e||ect|vede|en@e@org
Tue Apr 26 01:01:41 CEST 2022

Hi, Gábor & Ivan:

	  I'm trying to follow:


	  I get:

Error: .github#L1
the `uses' attribute must be a path, a Docker image, or owner/repo using ref



	  What am I missing?

	  Spencer Graves

On 4/25/22 3:40 PM, Ivan Krylov wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Apr 2022 15:06:28 -0500
> Spencer Graves <spencer.graves using effectivedefense.org> wrote:
>> GitHub action reports, <<'"pdflatex"' not found>> with
>> vignettes.
> No personal experience with GitHub Actions, but have you tried
> following the advice by Gábor Csárdi from a few days ago?
> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-package-devel/2022q2/007970.html
> You probably need to declare that your workflow needs tinytex installed
> (as described at
> <https://github.com/r-lib/actions/tree/v2-branch/setup-tinytex#usage>),
> but if you get different advice from more experienced people, follow
> that first.
>> (1.2) We don't  know what in the vignettes require pdflatex, so we
>> cannot easily remove that.
> This line sets the output format of the vignette to PDF:
> https://github.com/JamesRamsay5/fda/blob/master/vignettes/monotoneFunctions.Rmd#L5
>> "fRegress.Rd:325:22: Warning: nested emphasis <code>"
> This is a new check, which runs HTML Tidy on the HTML version of the
> manual. If you install HTML Tidy on your local machine and a recent
> enough version of R (R-4.2 is good enough, and so was R-devel for a few
> weeks), you'll get the same check on your local machine, too.
>> (2.1) We cannot find any "nested emphasis" to fix in this.
>> (2.2) We don't know what the numbers "325:22" mean.
> Row and column number in the HTML file, I beleive. Use R CMD Rdconv to
> produce an HTML file from man/fRegress.Rd, or use help(fRegress, help =
> 'html') to see it. If I check the HTML documentation on my machine, my
> HTML file ends up slightly different, and the error is found on line
> 313 instead:
> <tr valign="top"><td><code>The <code>fRegress</code> fit object
> case:</code></td>
> A code tag is apparently not allowed inside another code tag. I guess
> this means that \code{} is not allowed inside \item{} any more, since
> the original source line for that is:
> \item{The \code{fRegress} fit object case:}

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