[R-pkg-devel] documentation warning when using \deqn for equations

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Mar 25 19:31:36 CET 2022

On Fri, 25 Mar 2022 11:19:55 -0700 (PDT)
Gillian Sharer <gillian using iris.washington.edu> wrote:

> Is there anything obviously wrong with this? 

Nothing obviously wrong. It's a relatively new check. You can try
installing http://www.html-tidy.org/ on your computer and using it to
check the output of R CMD Rdconv -t html man/yourfile.Rd. (If there's a
"tidy" executable in your $PATH, R CMD check should be able to pick it
up and perform the HTML check on your machine, too.)

Can you share the source code for the package? Someone could try
to reproduce the error on their end.

> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]

You composed your message in HTML, but we only got the automatically
generated plain text version, which might be different, because the
mailing list strips the HTML part of the messages.

Best regards,

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