[R-pkg-devel] Ensuring permanence and SHA consistency of released CRAN packages for validated software

Gábor Csárdi c@@rd|@g@bor @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Mar 21 14:22:32 CET 2022

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 2:15 PM Borini, Stefano
<stefano.borini using astrazeneca.com> wrote:
> Well, the binaries it’s a different story and needs its own solution. I am referring to the source packages, not the binary ones. So I suspect that when the binaries are rebuilt, the DESCRIPTION file in the source package is updated as well by the build system.
> That’s what creates the issue.

Oh, right, I missed that, sorry. In my experience the source packages
are rebuilt much less frequently, at least this was the situation in
the past. This said, I can't imagine a good reason for rebuilding a
source package without increasing the version number.

> I agree that it would be great to add the sha256 (or other) hash to
> You can’t do that because then you would end up in a chicken egg situation where the sha of the tgz package depends on the content of the DESCRIPTION which would depend on the sha of the package.

I meant PACKAGES*, sorry.

FWIW for source packages the MD5 is already in PACKAGES, so you can
use that to see if a source package was updated or not.



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