[R-pkg-devel] (How) can you use R file i/o within Fortran code in an R package?

Balasubramanian Narasimhan n@r@@ @end|ng |rom @t@n|ord@edu
Thu Feb 17 20:41:10 CET 2022

An example and test package:



On 2/16/22 7:53 AM, Peter Green wrote:
> I am developing a package based around several thousand lines of 
> legacy Fortran code front-ended with a fairly minimal R function to 
> format input and results. In its basic form it is on CRAN, but now I 
> want to extend it in a way that will generate copious output over the 
> course of the running time of the Fortran code, and I would prefer if 
> possible to write this output to (several) files rather than return it 
> through arguments to .Fortran.
> I have a version using Fortran open, write and close (naturally 
> avoiding stderr and stdout), which runs perfectly on several 
> platforms, but generates a NOTE in R-hub and Winbuilder:
> > * checking compiled code ... NOTE
> > File ‘Nmix/libs/Nmix.so’:
> >   Found ‘_gfortran_st_close’, possibly from ‘close’ (Fortran)
> >     Object: ‘Nmix-sub3z.o’
> >   Found ‘_gfortran_st_open’, possibly from ‘open’ (Fortran)
> >     Object: ‘Nmix-sub3z.o’
> >   Found ‘_gfortran_st_write’, possibly from ‘write’ (Fortran), ‘print’
> >     (Fortran)
> >     Object: ‘Nmix-sub3z.o’
> >
> > Compiled code should not call entry points which might terminate R nor
> > write to stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor use Fortran I/O
> > nor system RNGs.
> that will presumably cause it to fail submission to CRAN, for reasons 
> I understand.
> Is there a way that I can use R file i/o from within the Fortran code, 
> possibly mediated through a C or C++ wrapper? As I am not fluent in 
> these languages or all the concepts involved, if it is possible a 
> recipe or template would be most appreciated. To fix ideas, (how) can 
> I write 100000 integers, separated by white space, to a text file?
> My apologies if this is a well-known question already answered, 
> possibly in the negative, but my search through the archives failed to 
> find anything. Thank you.
> Peter Green
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