[R-pkg-devel] (How) can you use R file i/o within Fortran code in an R package?

Sokol Serguei @ergue|@@oko| @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Feb 17 10:04:54 CET 2022

Le 16/02/2022 à 16:53, Peter Green a écrit :
> I am developing a package based around several thousand lines of 
> legacy Fortran code front-ended with a fairly minimal R function to 
> format input and results. In its basic form it is on CRAN, but now I 
> want to extend it in a way that will generate copious output over the 
> course of the running time of the Fortran code, and I would prefer if 
> possible to write this output to (several) files rather than return it 
> through arguments to .Fortran.
> I have a version using Fortran open, write and close (naturally 
> avoiding stderr and stdout), which runs perfectly on several 
> platforms, but generates a NOTE in R-hub and Winbuilder:
> > * checking compiled code ... NOTE
> > File ‘Nmix/libs/Nmix.so’:
> >   Found ‘_gfortran_st_close’, possibly from ‘close’ (Fortran)
> >     Object: ‘Nmix-sub3z.o’
> >   Found ‘_gfortran_st_open’, possibly from ‘open’ (Fortran)
> >     Object: ‘Nmix-sub3z.o’
> >   Found ‘_gfortran_st_write’, possibly from ‘write’ (Fortran), ‘print’
> >     (Fortran)
> >     Object: ‘Nmix-sub3z.o’
> >
> > Compiled code should not call entry points which might terminate R nor
> > write to stdout/stderr instead of to the console, nor use Fortran I/O
> > nor system RNGs.
> that will presumably cause it to fail submission to CRAN, for reasons 
> I understand.
> Is there a way that I can use R file i/o from within the Fortran code, 
> possibly mediated through a C or C++ wrapper? As I am not fluent in 
> these languages or all the concepts involved, if it is possible a 
> recipe or template would be most appreciated. To fix ideas, (how) can 
> I write 100000 integers, separated by white space, to a text file?

I don't have an example in hand, just few pointers which could be useful.
First, how to print from Rcpp 
This example use NumericVector type for an entry parameter which you 
won't need. Use just classical C types (double, int, ...) and pointers 
on them. You don't need either '//[Rcpp::export]' as you wont call this 
function from R but from Fortran.
Second, how to call C from Fortran, e.g. 
The fact that your printing function will be in .cpp file does not 
matter. C interface will work if you limit your parameters to C types.

Hoping it helps,

> My apologies if this is a well-known question already answered, 
> possibly in the negative, but my search through the archives failed to 
> find anything. Thank you.
> Peter Green
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