[R-pkg-devel] Internet resources and Errors

Greg Minshall m|n@h@|| @end|ng |rom um|ch@edu
Fri Sep 24 19:55:51 CEST 2021


> All internet calls are wrapped in 'try()'.  If that shows an error, I
> write a message to the screen about the error, and call stop(),
> perhaps with a further message in that call.

out of ignorance, i ask ...

in your package's operational code ("its API", or whatever), when a
required internet access fails, i would think a message and a stop(),
might be the reasonable thing to do.

in examples or tests, either doing the access itself, or calling your
operational code, one might try() and not stop(), but, rather, go on to
the next example/test.

in your comment above, is the try()/stop() in your operational code or
in your tests/examples?

cheers, Greg

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