[R-pkg-devel] IFC package - Solaris error polygon edge not found (zero-width or zero-height?)

git demont g|t@demont @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Sep 16 12:15:17 CEST 2021

Hello community,

I plan to submit a new version of IFC package to CRAN.

I checked it locally, on win-builder and on rhub. Almost everything looks
OK except for:
- Debian Linux, R-devel, GCC ASAN/UBSAN
- Oracle Solaris 10, x86, 32 bit, R-release

On Debian Linux, R-devel, GCC ASAN/UBSAN, I get a PREPERROR, I suspect it
is a false pos since it says that xml2 package can not be installed.
My main concern is about Oracle Solaris 10, x86, 32 bit, R-release where
the function ExportToReport leads to the error reported in the title see:

However I got no error on  Oracle Solaris 10, x86, 32 bit, R release,
Oracle Developer Studio 12.6

Some googling points to https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/2252.
The code of ExportToReport, is here
The issue links this solaris error to ggplot but threads also mention grid
/ font...
So my guess is that it could be related with the fact that I apply font
modifications through gridExtra::ttheme_default and in pdf() by using
"serif" in ExportToReport

Do you think, this is only on rhub but will not happen on CRAN ?
I did several modifications since last CRAN update, but previous CRAN
version of IFC package already included those font family modifications in
ExportToReport (https://github.com/cran/IFC/blob/master/R/ExportToReport.R)
and did not produce solaris error in CRAN results (

Nonetheless should it be safer to use other font family only for solaris ?
In such case what would you be your recommendations to check it (e.g.
Sys.info()["sysname"], I don't know the returned value on solaris) and to
apply another font family (but which one)

Maybe, it is something else. But, in such case, I have absolutely no idea
where it comes from what I can do.


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