[R-pkg-devel] CRAN submission with warnings

Kent Johnson kjohn@on @end|ng |rom @koy@b|o@com
Mon Jul 26 17:02:40 CEST 2021


What is the usual process to submit a new package to CRAN which has false-positive warnings?

I submitted rtree_0.2.0 last week (7/21). This package compiles with warnings from Boost headers. The warnings are expected, unavoidable, and unimportant, which I documented in cran-comments.md. After submitting the package, I got an email that the package failed the pre-test due to the warnings. I replied-all, pointing to the explanation in cran-comments.md. I haven't heard anything since, and the package is still in the archive folder at ftp://cran.r-project.org/incoming.

I'm new to this process. Is there something else I should do, or should I just sit tight and wait for a response?

win-builder results are here: https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/rtree_0.2.0_20210721_153225/Windows/00check.log
cran-comments.md here: https://github.com/akoyabio/rtree/blob/master/cran-comments.md

Thank you for any guidance,
Kent Johnson
Akoya Biosciences

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