[R-pkg-devel] weird C stack traces from win-builder, due to brms/rstan load?

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Jul 5 16:32:57 CEST 2021

  I'm running into trouble checking a new release of the 'broom.mixed' 
package <https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/broom.mixed/index.html> 
on win-builder.  I think it is some kind of rstan problem.

   The broom.mixed package loads the brms package, and loads several 
pre-computed objects from the brms package; I don't think it actually 
tries to run anything of the functions from brms during the check process.

   At several points during checking (see 
<https://win-builder.r-project.org/LsDDMqpnX52n/00check.log>), I get 
voluminous "C stack trace" outputs: once when "Checking dependencies in 
R code", once when calling require(brms) as part of an example, once 
when running the tests (not easy to determine the precise location, and 
once when building the vignettes).

   The trace starts like this:

==== C stack trace ===============================

	SETCAR [0x0x6c838a90+32]
	ZN4Rcpp8CppClassC1EPNS_6ModuleEPNS_10class_BaseERNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE [0x0x6ac093ff+1151]
	ZN4Rcpp6Module12classes_infoEv [0x0x6ac07467+327]
	Z20Module__classes_infoP7SEXPREC [0x0x6abe1c4a+74]
	Rf_NewFrameConfirm [0x0x6c7a7d18+33960]
	R_initAssignSymbols [0x0x6c7f3259+53849]
	Rf_eval [0x0x6c7fcd31+369]

   and goes on for a while.

   R CMD check runs fine on Linux with recent r-devel.

   Has anyone seen this?  Other than scrubbing all references to brms 
and rstan (a second try with one of the brms references avoided instead 
runs into trouble when loading rstan ...), I don't see what I can do ...


    Ben Bolker

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