[R-pkg-devel] What To Include In \donttest{}

Danielle Maeser m@e@e005 @end|ng |rom umn@edu
Thu May 27 04:23:11 CEST 2021


Please excuse the very simple question, but I received the following
message from a CRAN maintainer, and I am not sure what code to include
inside of the \donttest{}. This is meant to enclose code that typically
should be run, but not during package checking, and I do not have any such

Here is the message from the CRAN maintainter:

*Please add small executable examples in your Rd-files to illustrate theuse
of the exported function but also enable automatic testing.Otherwise, you
can also write some tests. Lengthy examples (> 5 sec) canbe wrapped in

I'd appreciate any assistance you can provide.

Ph.D. Student
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
University of Minnesota

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