[R-pkg-devel] Using ggplot2 within another package

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Apr 25 00:34:17 CEST 2021

   It seems that what we need is really ignoreLocalVariables() rather 
than globalVariables() ... ?

On 4/24/21 4:56 PM, Bill Dunlap wrote:
> Has there been any thought given to an alternative to globalVariables 
> that would flag certain arguments to certain functions as being 
> evaluated in a non-standard way.  E.g.,
>      usesNSE(FUN="with.default", ARGUMENTS="expr")
>      usesNSE(FUN="lm", ARGUMENTS=c("weights","subset","offset"))
>      usesNSE(FUN="~") # missing ARGUMENTS means all args are NSE
> This information would be stored in the environment that contains FUN.
> -Bill
> On Sat, Apr 24, 2021 at 6:18 AM Martin Maechler 
> <maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch <mailto:maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch>> wrote:
>      >>>>> Ben Bolker
>      >>>>>     on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 17:27:49 -0400 writes:
>          > For some reason that I don't remember, an R core member once
>     told me
>          > that they prefer x <- y <- NULL to
>     utils::globalVariables(c("x","y")) -
>     That could have been me.  Even though I think I still have some
>     globalVariables() statements in some of my package sources, I've
>     decided that it *harms* really, notably for relatively common
>     variable names such
>     as "x":   It declares them "global"
>     { for the purpose of codetools::globalVariables() } everywhere,
>     i.e. for all functions in the package namespace and that
>     basically kills the reliability of  globalVariables() checking
>     for the whole package.
>          > although I have also encountered problems with that strategy
>     in edge cases.
>     well, when?

   Honestly, I don't remember. Something with order of evaluation and 
the fact that a variable existed and was set to NULL in the package 
namespace screwing things up.

>          > Here's an example from StackOverflow from today where for
>     some reason
>          > I don't understand, evaluation of function arguments
>     interacts with
>          > non-standard/lazy evaluation within a dplyr function such
>     that 'foo'
>          > works while 'x$foo' doesn't ... don't know if it's a similar
>     case.
>          >
>     https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67218258/getting-error-error-in-usemethodfilter-no-applicable-method-for-filter/67220198#67220198
>     <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67218258/getting-error-error-in-usemethodfilter-no-applicable-method-for-filter/67220198#67220198>
>     { ceterum censeo ... to use NSE (non-standard-evaluation) for
>        user convenience and to call this (together with really good
>        ideas)  "tidy" has been one of the biggest euphemisms in the
>     history of
>        statistical computing ...  but yes, that's just my personal opinon  }
>          > On 4/22/21 5:19 PM, Kevin R. Coombes wrote:
>          >> Thanks.
>          >>
>          >> Obviously, long. long ago, (in a galaxy not far enough
>     away), Paul's
>          >> suggestion of using "aes_string" was the correct one, since
>     "aes" uses
>          >> non-standard evaluation. (And to quote somebody from an R
>     fortune
>          >> cookie, "The problem with non-standard evaluation is that it is
>          >> non-standard.") But teh documentation at the end oft he link
>     provided by
>          >> Robert explivityl tells you not to do that, since "aes_string is
>          >> deprecated".  And reading more carefully into the manual
>     page for
>          >> aes_string, one does indeed find the statement that the
>     function is
>          >> "soft deprecated". I'm not sure what that means, other than
>     someone on
>          >> the development team doesn't like it.
>          >>
>          >> Instead, the vignette says you should
>          >>    importFrom("rlang", ".data")
>          >> in your NAMESPACE, and write
>          >>    ggplot(myData, aes(x = .data$myX, y = .data$myY))
>          >>
>          >> And now my dinosaur question: That looks like using one
>     non-standard
>          >> hack to cover up the problems with another non-standard
>     hack. Why the
>          >> heck  is that any better for the developer than writing
>          >>    ggplot(myData, aes(x = myData$myX, y = myData$myY))
>          >>
>          >> or using Dirk Eddelbuettel's suggestion of calling
>     utils::globalVariables ??
>          >>
>          >> It's time to tell those kids to get off of my lawn.
>          >>   Kevin
>          >>
>          >> On 4/22/2021 4:45 PM, Robert M. Flight wrote:
>          >>> Kevin,
>          >>>
>          >>> This vignette from ggplot2 itself gives the "officially
>     recommended"
>          >>> ways to avoid the warnings from R CMD check
>          >>>
>          >>>
>     https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/articles/ggplot2-in-packages.html
>     <https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/articles/ggplot2-in-packages.html>
>          >>>
>     <https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/articles/ggplot2-in-packages.html
>     <https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/articles/ggplot2-in-packages.html>>
>          >>>
>          >>> Cheers,
>          >>>
>          >>> -Robert
>          >>>
>          >>> On Thu, Apr 22, 2021 at 4:39 PM Paul SAVARY
>          >>> <paul.savary using univ-fcomte.fr
>     <mailto:paul.savary using univ-fcomte.fr>
>     <mailto:paul.savary using univ-fcomte.fr
>     <mailto:paul.savary using univ-fcomte.fr>>> wrote:
>          >>>
>          >>> Hi Kevin,
>          >>>
>          >>> I was faced to the same problem and I used 'aes_string()'
>     instead
>          >>> of 'aes()'. You can then just write the name of the columns
>          >>> containing the data to plot as character strings.
>          >>>
>          >>> Example:
>          >>>
>          >>> myPlot <- function(myData, ...) {
>          >>>     # get ready
>          >>>     ggplot(myData, aes_string(x = "myX", y = "myY")) +
>          >>>        # add my decorations
>          >>>        theme_bw()
>          >>> }
>          >>>
>          >>> It is probably already the case for your function but you
>     need to
>          >>> include #' @import ggplot2 in your function preamble (if I
>     am not
>          >>> wrong).
>          >>>
>          >>> Kind regards
>          >>> Paul
>          >>>
>          >>> ----- Mail original -----
>          >>> De: "Kevin R. Coombes" <kevin.r.coombes using gmail.com
>     <mailto:kevin.r.coombes using gmail.com>
>          >>> <mailto:kevin.r.coombes using gmail.com
>     <mailto:kevin.r.coombes using gmail.com>>>
>          >>> À: "r-package-devel" <r-package-devel using r-project.org
>     <mailto:r-package-devel using r-project.org>
>          >>> <mailto:r-package-devel using r-project.org
>     <mailto:r-package-devel using r-project.org>>>
>          >>> Envoyé: Jeudi 22 Avril 2021 22:28:55
>          >>> Objet: [R-pkg-devel] Using ggplot2 within another package
>          >>>
>          >>> Hi,
>          >>>
>          >>> I'm trying to help clean up an R package for someone else to
>          >>> submit to
>          >>> CRAN. He has used ggplot2 to implement a plotting function
>     for the
>          >>> kinds
>          >>> of things that his packages generates. His plotting routine
>     basically
>          >>> looks like (after changing names to protect the innocent):
>          >>>
>          >>> myPlot <- fucntion(myData, ...) {
>          >>>     # get ready
>          >>>     ggplot(myData, aes(x = myX, y = myY)) +
>          >>>        # add my decorations
>          >>>        theme_bw()
>          >>> }
>          >>>
>          >>> Of course, "R CMD check --as-cran" complains that there is
>     no global
>          >>> binding for "myX" or "myY" since they are columns defined
>     in the
>          >>> data.frame "myData".
>          >>>
>          >>> What is the best way to work around this issue?
>          >>>
>          >>> Of course, dinosaurs like myself might be tempted to
>     suggest just
>          >>> using
>          >>> plain old "plot", so I don't need to see those suggestions.
>          >>>
>          >>> Do I just ignore the usual ggplot conventions and write
>     "myData$myX"
>          >>> inside "aes"  in order to appease the CRAN checker? Or is
>     there some
>          >>> tidy-er way to solve this problem?
>          >>>
>          >>> Thanks,
>          >>>    Kevin
>          >>>
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