[R-pkg-devel] CRAN note about \href{https://doi.org/...}{label} in Rd files

Floris Vanderhaeghe ||or|@@v@nderh@eghe @end|ng |rom |nbo@be
Tue Mar 30 19:33:26 CEST 2021

Op 30/03/2021 om 18:46 schreef Duncan Murdoch:
> On 30/03/2021 12:36 p.m., Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>> On 30/03/2021 10:39 a.m., Floris Vanderhaeghe wrote:
>>>>> I just tried \doi{10.5281/zenodo.2611233} and it worked.
>>> Sure, but what about making a hyperlink to
>>> https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2611233 while showing "text" in the
>>> documentation, as in \href{wwwaddress}{text}. I assume the CRAN note
>>> appears because it wants literal DOI strings in the documentation to be
>>> specified with \doi{}. However with \href{} the DOI string remains 
>>> hidden.
>>> href{\doi{10.5281/zenodo.2611233}}{text} is a non-functional link while
>>> \href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2611233}{text} is functional.
>> No, I don't think there's currently any way to do that.  Your choices
>> are probably to link to whatever the DOI links to, e.g.
>> \href{https://zenodo.org/record/2682323}{text} and live with the fact
>> that the URL might change tomorrow, or show the DOI.
> One other suggestion:  define your own \doi{} macro.  The current 
> definition (from R_HOME/share/Rd/macros/system.Rd) is
> \newcommand{\doi}{\Sexpr[results=rd,stage=build]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("#1")}} 
> You could make a two-argument variant on this.  You could even submit 
> it as a patch on Bugzilla if you think others would like it.
> Duncan Murdoch

Thanks for the helpful answers Duncan, I will consider.



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