[R-pkg-devel] CRAN note about \href{https://doi.org/...}{label} in Rd files

Floris Vanderhaeghe ||or|@@v@nderh@eghe @end|ng |rom |nbo@be
Tue Mar 30 15:44:42 CEST 2021


When running R CMD check on R-devel, a CRAN note appears about 
\href{https://doi.org/...}{label} in Rd files. Like:

Found the following URLs which should use \doi (with the DOI name only):
   File ‘read_GRTSmh.Rd’:
   File ‘read_GRTSmh_base4frac.Rd’:

(Full output is at 

The note does not appear in R 4.0.4.

The cause is documentation hyperlinks to doi.org, ** inside \href{} **:

is a monolayered GeoTIFF
and can only be
\href{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3354405}{Zenodo}), composed of
that contains:
that contains:
and contains two
map of Flanders}.
that contains:

Can this be resolved using \doi{} as suggested, while still resulting in 
a working link to doi.org? I didn't find a way to do that.

Perhaps a 'https://doi.org' address which does not show as such in the 
documentation (because of the clickable label) should still be allowed.

With regards

Floris Vanderhaeghe

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