[R-pkg-devel] help interpreting a response from CRAN

Uwe Ligges ||gge@ @end|ng |rom @t@t|@t|k@tu-dortmund@de
Sun Nov 22 22:06:42 CET 2020

Thanks Dirk. Yes, for lme4 the tests for each archiecture take longer 
than 5 min, so the overall check time exceeds 10 min.

So one can follow Dirk's advise.

As a general remark for others who will read this in the future:
tests should test the software, but it is generally not important to 
have real world examples. Small data and few iterations are typically 
sufficient for tests.
It is also possible to run less important tests only conditionally if 
some environment variable is set that you only define on your machine.

Uwe Ligges

On 22.11.2020 20:36, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 22 November 2020 at 13:44, Ben Bolker wrote:
> |    My current guess is that the problem is with the too-long check time on Windows (NOTE: "Overall checktime 18 min > 10 min")
> Yes.
> |   I guess I have to get busy setting more tests and examples to skip-on-CRAN (kind of a pain as there's no low-hanging fruit - other than the 'testthat' tests, none of the individual test files take longer than 15sec, although this is doubled because they have to be run on 386 and x64 ...)
> It's under your control. You can detect 'are we on Windows' and branch or, as
> I do with test runner I use, exit_file("...") based on such conditions.
> |   An alternative is that this is a confusingly worded message indicating that there are strong rev dependencies so the package needs to be further checked? (That seems unlikely as it explicitly asks me to resubmit)
> No. If there were any (even false positive ones) they'd be listed there.
> Hth, Dirk

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