[R-pkg-devel] URLencode at DESCRIPTION file and citation()

Maëlle SALMON m@e||e@@@|mon @end|ng |rom y@hoo@@e
Tue Nov 3 11:08:05 CET 2020


1) I found (via GitHub search for DOIs in DESCRIPTION files https://github.com/search?q=org%3Acran+%3Cdoi+user%3Acran+filename%3ADESCRIPTION&type=Code&ref=advsearch&l=&l=) a package with an URL-encoded DOI see https://github.com/cran/clust.bin.pair/blob/e464ac7e5d094bffd25b7c4cbba67820b60f1cc1/DESCRIPTION and the resulting CRAN page https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/clust.bin.pair/index.html So I think you are right to use URL encoding.

I can reproduce the problem you get with the roxygen2-generated package-level manual page. The problem is that when going from Rd to HTML, the parts after "%" are ignored indeed. I'm not sure at what level this should be fixed. I opened an issue in roxygen2 https://github.com/r-lib/roxygen2/issues/1164 I hope others will have more useful answers. :-)

2) For that aspect I looked into a CITATION file I knew https://github.com/ropensci/bomrang/blob/master/inst/CITATION

For finding the version it uses meta$Version. So your CITATION could e.g. become

citHeader("To cite raytracing in publications use at least the first, if not both:")

year <- sub("-.*", "", meta$Date)
note <- sprintf("R package version %s", meta$Version)

citEntry(entry = "manual",
   title          = "raytracing: An R package for identification and tracking the atmospheric Rossby waves",
   author         = personList(c(person("Amanda", "Rehbein"),
                    person("Tercio", "Ambrizzi"),
                    person("Sergio", "Ibarra-Espinosa"),
                    person("Livia M. M.", "Dutra"))),
   year           = year,
   url            = "https://github.com/salvatirehbein/raytracing",
   note          = note,
   textVersion  =
   paste0("Rehbein, A., Ambrizzi, T., Ibarra-Espinosa, S., Dutra, L. M. M.: Rossby Wave Ray Tracing v", meta$Version, ". https://github.com/salvatirehbein/raytracing, ", year,".")

citation(auto = meta)



Den söndag 1 november 2020 21:29:54 CET, Amanda Rehbein <amanda.rehbein using usp.br> skrev: 

Dear R-Devs,

I was wondering if someone could please help me to with two errors when
submitting a package to CRAN.

1) At the DESCRIPTION file I added some DOI's with curled brackets "<>"
inside the "<>" (e.g. <doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1981)038<1179:TSLROA>2.0.CO;2>).
I tried URLencode() the string in R and copy/paste the output into
the DESCRIPTION file, like this:
<doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1981)038%3C1179:TSLROA%3E2.0.CO;2>. But when I load,
build, check, etc, and ?raytracing the DOI does not appear correctly.
Everything after the first "%" disappeared and obviously, the DOI doesn't
work anymore.

2) I have a CITATION file at the sub-directory ins. Its content is like

citHeader("To cite raytracing in publications use one of below:")

citEntry(entry = "manual",
  title          = "Atmospheric Rossby waves identification and tracking
with a raytracing numerical model",
  author        = personList(c(person("Amanda", "Rehbein"),
                    person("Tercio", "Ambrizzi"),
                    person("Sergio", "Ibarra-Espinosa"),
                    person("Livia M. M.", "Dutra"))),
  year          = "2020",
  url            = "https://github.com/salvatirehbein/raytracing",

  textVersion  =
  paste0("Rehbein, A., Ambrizzi, T., Ibarra-Espinosa, S., Dutra, L. M. M.:
Atmospheric Rossby waves identification and tracking with a raytracing
numerical model ", packageVersion("raytracing"), ".
https://github.com/salvatirehbein/raytracing, 2020.")

It passes all checks and gives a-okay citation when I type
citation("raytracing"). However, it fails in the CRAN tests with the
following error message.

Reading CITATION file fails with
    there is no package called 'raytracing'
  when package is not installed.

I will be very thankful for any help with this! Best,

    [[alternative HTML version deleted]]

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