[R-pkg-devel] Run-times of examples in vignettes

Helmut Schütz he|mut@@chuetz @end|ng |rom beb@c@@t
Tue Oct 27 13:53:14 CET 2020

Hi Dirk,

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote on 2020-10-27 13:32:
> | is there somewhere an official statement about the maximum run-times of
> | examples in vignettes?
> Seven minutes is excessive.

Sure. The one vignette contains simulation code which needs 1E5 to 1E6 
sims to get a stable result. Fewer sims are simply not meaningful.
Since we use a pre-complied vignette now the execution time is 
essentially zero.
The others take 45 seconds in total.
If we would pre-compile the second slowest as well, we would be down for 
the remaining four at 12 seconds.

> I have (long) gone by the rule of "about one minute" each for tests and examples.

OK. Do you know of any reference for this "rule"?


Ing. Helmut Schütz
BEBAC – Consultancy Services for
Bioequivalence and Bioavailability Studies
Neubaugasse 36/11
1070 Vienna, Austria
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