[R-pkg-devel] data and load version 3
Tomas Kalibera
tom@@@k@||ber@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jun 30 12:09:11 CEST 2020
On 6/30/20 11:48 AM, Göran Broström wrote:
> On 2020-06-30 01:07, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
>> Your choice. Do you want to support people using older versions of R,
>> or not?
> Is that all? No point at all with version 3 in packages? Why was it
> introduced? I have seen an argument for version 2: "... needed ... to
> support name spaces", but version 3 ...
Format 3 supports efficient serialization of ALTREP objects, that is why
it was introduced. It also saves the session native encoding and
converts string on de-serialization when running in different native
encoding. Documented also in R 3.5 NEWS, in R Internals.
> Göran
>> On June 29, 2020 1:55:02 PM PDT, "Göran Broström"
>> <goran.brostrom using umu.se> wrote:
>>> I added two data sets (.rda) to my package eha, but when I build the
>>> new
>>> version I get:
>>> WARNING: Added dependency on R >= 3.5.0 because serialized objects in
>>> serialize/load version 3 cannot be read in older versions of R.
>>> File(s)
>>> containing such objects: ‘eha/data/swedeaths.rda’
>>> ‘eha/data/swepop.rda’
>>> In DESCRIPTION I have 'Depends: R (>= 3.0.0)'
>>> After googling for a while (found nothing relevant in 'WRE'), I
>>> understand that I have two options: (i) Change 'Depends' in DESCRIPTION
>>> as suggested, and (ii) using save with 'version = 2' for the new files.
>>> And, if I am recommended to choose (i), should I recreate the old data
>>> files with 'version = 3'?
>>> My guess is go for (i) and version = 3 for all data files, but I feel
>>> that I need advise.
>>> Thanks, Göran
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