[R-pkg-devel] package CatDataAnalysis
Neal Fultz
n|u|tz @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jun 28 18:31:33 CEST 2020
I'm not sure exactly what cran is asking for, but the wooldridge
package is a good example of a text book data set package, so maybe
you can use the same format they did.
On Sun, Jun 28, 2020 at 9:08 AM Charles Geyer <charlie using stat.umn.edu> wrote:
> I have a package that has the datasets for Categorical Data Analysis by
> Agresti that do not appear in the book. The whole package is a github repo
> https://github.com/cjgeyer/CatDataAnalysis. All of the data were
> translated mechanically using the R script foo.R included in the repo (but
> not in the package) from Agresti's web site
> http://www.stat.ufl.edu/~aa/cda/data.html.
> This package seems to be a useful service to students and teachers. The
> data
> are much simpler to use with this package than trying to get the data from
> Agresti's web page (foo.R has 277 lines of code).
> When I submitted the package to CRAN, I got the following response.
> > The Description field of the DESCRIPTION file is intended to be a (one
> > paragraph) description of what the package does and why it may be
> > useful. Please elaborate. Tell the users what the datasets are about and
> > what they contain so they can use them even when they haven't read your
> > book.
> > Please fix and resubmit, and document what was changed in the submission
> > comments.
> In an alternate universe without copyright law this seems a reasonable
> request. In this universe it seems to be asking for trouble. I know about
> fair use, but I am not a lawyer and do not want to walk the borderline
> between fair use and copyright violation.
> The package as it is seems OK because it comes from the author's public web
> site and these data were never in the book.
> Please note that I made Alan Agresti (with his acquiescence) the author of
> the package because it is his book and his data, but I (or rather foo.R)
> did all the work.
> I replied to cran.r-project.org, but that was apparently sent to /dev/null.
> This book is IMHO the authoritative textbook on the subject. Amazon sales
> rank agrees. The book is used for many courses. So this package would be
> very helpful as is to many students and teachers.
> So what to do? Is there any way to get this package on CRAN?
> --
> Charles Geyer
> Professor, School of Statistics
> Resident Fellow, Minnesota Center for Philosophy of Science
> University of Minnesota
> charlie using stat.umn.edu
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