[R-pkg-devel] how to prevent a small package from yielding a large installed size?

Daniel Kelley D@n@Ke||ey @end|ng |rom D@|@C@
Mon Jun 15 18:30:15 CEST 2020

Duncan, thanks very much for that very helpful hint.  I got as follows.  My guess is that the first column in rdx$variables is an address offset, and so it seems that the lion's share of the storage is dedicated to items with names starting with a decimal point.  For example, the "[[" item is at offset of nearly 4M.  I may try fiddling with my code in which I specialize that method, to see whether I can reduce the memory footprint.  From what I can gather, both linux and windows build argoFloats into a package with R directory of about 2.5M size, which is a lot better than what I get in macOS but still over the warning threshold (I think) and therefore I worry about CRAN acceptance.

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> rdx <- readRDS("~/Library/R/4.0/library/argoFloats/R/argoFloats.rdx")
> sizes <- sapply(rdx$variables, function(n) n[2])
> cat(str(rdx$variables))
List of 23
 $ .__C__argoFloats        : int [1:2] 0 299
 $ .__NAMESPACE__.         : int [1:2] 1431 51
 $ .__S3MethodsTable__.    : int [1:2] 1611 51
 $ .__T__[[:base           : int [1:2] 3914410 51
 $ .__T__initialize:methods: int [1:2] 4075727 53
 $ .__T__merge:base        : int [1:2] 4174252 53
 $ .__T__plot:base         : int [1:2] 6684924 53
 $ .__T__show:methods      : int [1:2] 6761290 53
 $ .__T__subset:base       : int [1:2] 7255136 53
 $ .__T__summary:base      : int [1:2] 7476028 53
 $ .packageName            : int [1:2] 7476081 54
 $ argoFloatsDebug         : int [1:2] 7476135 2035
 $ argoUseAdjusted         : int [1:2] 7478170 3736
 $ downloadWithRetries     : int [1:2] 7481906 3369
 $ geographical            : int [1:2] 7485275 40
 $ getIndex                : int [1:2] 7485315 9870
 $ getProfileFromUrl       : int [1:2] 7495185 1337
 $ getProfiles             : int [1:2] 7496522 2843
 $ merge                   : int [1:2] 7499365 455
 $ plot                    : int [1:2] 7499820 455
 $ readProfiles            : int [1:2] 7500275 6887
 $ subset                  : int [1:2] 7507162 443
 $ summary                 : int [1:2] 7507605 447
> sum(sizes)
[1] 32741
> system("ls -l ~/Library/R/4.0/library/argoFloats/R/argoFloats.rdb")
-rw-r--r--  1 kelley  staff  7508052 15 Jun 07:47 /Users/kelley/Library/R/4.0/library/argoFloats/R/argoFloats.rdb

On Jun 15, 2020, at 10:50 AM, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com<mailto:murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>> wrote:

rdx <- readRDS("foo.rdx")
sizes <- sapply(rdx$variables, function(n) n[2])

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