[R-pkg-devel] Documenting raw data
m@e||e@@@|mon @end|ng |rom y@hoo@@e
Tue May 12 10:24:20 CEST 2020
I don't think you have to (and shouldn't?) document raw data. However, you can use it in examples/tests/etc. using the system.file() command you mention.
But maybe you want to export the data? In that case it should be under data/.
This chapter of the R packages book might be useful <https://r-pkgs.org/data.html> (as well as <https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Data-in-packages>).
Den torsdag 23 april 2020 23:06:26 CEST, Cantin, Alan (NRCan/RNCan) <alan.cantin using canada.ca> skrev:
Hi Folks,
Looking for some help documenting my raw data (data in inst/extdata).
Is the correct doctype "data"?
The usage of loading this type of data is system.file("extdata", nameoffile, package="nameofpackage")
Is this the correct string to put in the \usage section? I have tried this, but get errors such as:
Functions or methods with usage in documentation object 'nameoffile' but not in code:
Has anyone done this recently and have an example to see where I'm going wrong?
This check seems to be new as in the past I simply had lazydata set to true and it passed tests.
Thanks for any help.
Alan Cantin
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