[R-pkg-devel] Detritus in temp directory - Note from submission of R package in CRAN

Jeff Newmiller jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Sat Apr 18 23:55:32 CEST 2020

See below:

On Sat, 18 Apr 2020, David Andres Zamora Avila wrote:

> Thanks for your answers.
> This a part of my script where it creates files and saves it in anything
> path. I am not pretty secure how use file.path() or tempdir(). Can you give
> me more details about it, please?
> if (!exists("path_pet")){
>    path_pet <- getwd()
>  } else if (!exists("path_p")){
>    path_p <- getwd()
>  } else if (!exists("path_p") | !exists("path_pet")){
>    path_pet <- getwd()
>    path_p <- getwd()
>  }

The above code should not exist. You are making a package, so you are 
putting it into a function and either looking for the existence of global 
variables (side effects! requiring user to use special variable names! 
this is not good!), or the "path_pet" and "path_p" variables were created 
in your function and you should already know that they exist.

If we assume that "path_pet" and "path_p" are parameters to this package 
function you are writing, like so:

myfunc <- function( x, y, ..., path_pet = getwd(), path_p = getwd() ) {

then the user can let the default be the current working directory, or can 
specify which directories the function should work in. Specifically, when 
you are writing your examples or test code and pretending to be a user, 
you can create a temporary directory and use it like so:

workingdir <- tempdir(TRUE)
result <- myfunc( A, B, path_pet = workingdir, path_p = workingdir )

which means you can then clean up after yourself with

unlink( workingdir, recursive = TRUE )

I don't think this question is really about R packages anymore... if you 
still cannot read the help files to figure out your questions about how to 
do manage temporary files then you should probably make a small 
reproducible example(!!) and post a question on R-help.

(end of comments)

>  if (file_type == "raster"){
>    # ---- identify raster format and loading----
>    if (format == "GTiff"){
>      if( length(list.files(path_pet, pattern = ".tif")) == 0 | length(
> list.files(path_p, pattern = ".tif")) == 0){
>        stop("Not avaliable data of precipitation or evapotranspiration")
>      }
>      pet_files <- list.files(path_pet)
>      pet <- raster::stack(paste(path_pet, pet_files, sep = ""))
>      p_files <- list.files(path_p)
> Kind regards,
> David Zamora
> El jue., 16 abr. 2020 a las 17:12, Uwe Ligges (<
> ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de>) escribi?:
>> On 16.04.2020 20:09, Duncan Murdoch wrote:
>>> On 16/04/2020 1:11 p.m., David Andres Zamora Avila wrote:
>>>>   Hi,
>>>> I submitted my package in CRAN and always appearance the next NOTE.
>>>> Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc
>>>> Check: for detritus in the temp directory, Result: NOTE
>>>>    Found the following files/directories:
>>>>      'RtmpcDoRWjr.nc'
>>>> I have tried to solve it in several ways (like if(interactive()), but
>>>> I not
>>>> sure how can I solve it.
>>> How was the file created?  What the check wants is that you delete it
>>> when you are finished with it.  You can use the unlink() function to do
>>> that.
>> Or better create it in tempdir(): I guess you used paste(tempdir(), ...)
>> instead of file.path() and got afilename one level above tempdir()?
>> Best,
>> Uwe Ligges
>>> Duncan Murdoch
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> -- 
> David Zamora <https://sites.google.com/a/unal.edu.co/dazamoraa/>
> PhD Student, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogot?
> phone: +571 3165000 ext 13406
> address: Av. NQS (Carrera 30) # 45-03, Hydraulics Lab (408-213)
> email: dazamoraa using unal.edu.co
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