[R-pkg-devel] Warning in dir.create(vd2 <- "vign_test"): 'vign_test' already exists

Spencer Graves @pencer@gr@ve@ @end|ng |rom e||ect|vede|en@e@org
Mon Mar 16 00:09:13 CET 2020

Hello, All:

       Under Windows 10, "R CMD check sos_2.0-1.tar.gz" cloned from 
"https://github.com/sbgraves237/sos" ends with:

* checking rebuild of vignettes outputs ...Warning in dir.create(vd2 <- 
"vign_test"):  'vign_test' already exists

       Under macOS 10.15.3 it finishes fine.

       "grep 'vign_test'" failed to find anything.

       Spencer Graves

p.s.  Running R 3.6.3 on both machines with "update.packates()" clean.

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