[R-pkg-devel] Private S3 Method not Found

biii m@iii@g oii de@@ey@ws biii m@iii@g oii de@@ey@ws
Mon Feb 17 16:54:05 CET 2020

Hi Rich,


I’m not doing the same thing as Hmisc::latex().  That generates a .tex file and compiles it (or at least it appears to try to do that on my system, but it stopped partway through for me).


When I ran




It generated a .tex file for a table:















While I’m wanting an equation:


$$a = b$$






From: Richard M. Heiberger <rmh using temple.edu> 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2020 10:31 AM
To: bill using denney.ws
Cc: r-package-devel using r-project.org
Subject: Re: [R-pkg-devel] Private S3 Method not Found


Please be consistent with the latex() function in the Hmisc package.  For example, for an array x, latex (x) produces a complete latex table environment.  See the ?latex helpfile for details.




On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 10:07 <bill using denney.ws <mailto:bill using denney.ws> > wrote:


I'm working on a function in a package that will provide an exported
function that will convert formula to LaTeX equations.  For that, it
recursively goes through the formula converting objects of class "formula",
"call", "name", and "(" to LaTeX.

I have a private S3 generic function that I'm using for the conversion, but
for some reason, the generic is not detected, and checking the package fails
for that reason

no applicable method for 'knit_print_helper_formula' applied to an object of
class "name"


  1. testthat::expect_equal(...)

  4. bsd.report:::knit_print.formula(a ~ b(c))

  6. bsd.report:::knit_print_helper_formula.formula(x, ..., replacements =

  9. bsd.report:::knit_print_helper_formula.call(x[[3]], ...)

10. bsd.report:::knit_print_helper_formula.function_call(x, ...)

11. base::sapply(...)

12. base::lapply(X = X, FUN = FUN, ...)

13. bsd.report:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)

But, there is a knit_print_helper_formula.name <http://knit_print_helper_formula.name>  function call defined
(https://github.com/billdenney/bsd.report/blob/master/R/knit_print.formula.R <https://github.com/billdenney/bsd.report/blob/master/R/knit_print.formula.R#L60-L79> 

knit_print_helper_formula <- function(x, ...) {



# Some other methods

knit_print_helper_formula.name <http://knit_print_helper_formula.name>  <- function(x, ...) {

# Function body


Does anyone know why the S3 method for name class objects is not found when
checking the package?



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