[R-pkg-devel] Error while checking if Pandoc is available

Pere Millan Martinez |n|o @end|ng |rom @c|encegr@ph@org
Fri Dec 6 13:07:25 CET 2019

Yesterday the publication of the new brinton package war archived 
(https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/brinton/index.html) because the 
following line produces the following error:

if(rmarkdown::pandoc_available() == FALSE | rmarkdown::pandoc_version() 
< "1.12.3") {stop("'brinton' requires Pandoc v < 1.12.3 

Error in if (rmarkdown::pandoc_available() == FALSE | 
rmarkdown::pandoc_version() <:
argument is of length zero

The checks of the knitr package produce similar errors 
(https://cran.r-hub.io/web/checks/check_results_knitr.html) but knitr is 
available in CRAN (furtunatelly).
Also, I have been punished by prof. Brian Ripley so I can not resubmit 
the package until January.

Do you have any clue about how to fix this? Does to punish rookies have 
sense in this case?

Thanks in advance,
-Pere Millán

On 10/11/2019 11:31, Pere Millan Martinez wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to submit a first version of the brinton package but the 
> CRAN-pretest on Debian produces the following NOTE:
> Check: for detritus in the temp directory, Result: NOTE
>    Found the following files/directories	:
>      ‘calibre_4.2.0_tmp_BPGKxL’ ‘calibre_4.2.0_tmp_D8BXMj’
>      ‘calibre_4.2.0_tmp_M8RU75’ ‘calibre_4.2.0_tmp_TipWj0’
>      ‘calibre_4.2.0_tmp_f0mVQS’ ‘calibre_4.2.0_tmp_fHEPce’
>      ‘runtime-hornik’
> The 'brinton' package stores files in the temporary folder (which I 
> think is ok) but I can not figure out
> the relationship between the files that are stored with 
> 'calibre_4.2.0'. Is this note a false positive or this
> is something that I should fix prior to submit?
> Thank you,
> Pere Millán-Martínez

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