[R-pkg-devel] Install Package from GitHub in Vignette

Daniel Sjoberg d@n|e|d@@joberg @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Nov 10 21:39:25 CET 2019

There is a package only available on GitHub that prints beautiful tables.
I list this package in the `Enhances:` section of my package's DESCRIPTION
file.  I would like to show the use of this enhancement in a vignette.  I
use the code below in a vignette to install the package to a temporary
folder and add that folder to `.libPaths`.

I run checks locally, Travis CI, Appveyor, win-devel, RHub, and everything
looks fine.  The updated package was accepted earlier today, but a few hour
later I received the email below.  It appears on the Solaris build a
package dependency of the RStudio {gt} package is attempting to install
(the sass package), although the package is already available on the
machine.  I suspect it is related to installing the {gt} package to a
temporary folder?

Any tips how to install the package from GitHub without violating any CRAN

Thank you!

Email received from CRAN:
See https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_gtsummary.html .

This attempts to install a package, and fails because it does not
respect that package's SystemRequirements.  Here:

if (curl::has_internet()) {
   # adding tmpdir to libPath
   temp_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "gt_folder")
   lib_path <-.libPaths()
   .libPaths(c(lib_path, temp_path))

   # installing gt
   remotes::install_github("rstudio/gt", lib = temp_path)

which apparently also attempts to install sass.

Why?  Packages should be making use of already installed packages (sass
is installed on that system, but may need to be declared).

Please correct ASAP and before Nov 17 to retain the package on CRAN.

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