[R-pkg-devel] Another CRAN-only bug

Uwe Ligges ||gge@ @end|ng |rom @t@t|@t|k@tu-dortmund@de
Thu Jun 13 14:12:55 CEST 2019

Use winbuilder.

Uwe Ligges

On 13.06.2019 10:40, David Hugh-Jones wrote:
>   Well, the test that fails is this one:
> https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/huxtable_4.6.0_20190612_195453/Windows/examples_and_tests/tests_x64/testthat/test-openxlsx.R
> The last line fails here:
>    hx <- huxtable(a = 1:2 + 0.5, b = -1:-2 + 0.5, d = letters[1:2], add_colnames = TRUE)
>    wb <- as_Workbook(hx)
>    expect_error(openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = "test-xlsx.xlsx", overwrite = TRUE),
>          regexp = NA) # openxlsx may emit messages
>    dfr <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("test-xlsx.xlsx")
>    expect_equivalent(class(dfr[[1]]), "numeric")
>    expect_equivalent(class(dfr[[2]]), "numeric")
>    expect_equivalent(class(dfr[[3]]), "character")
>    expect_equal(dfr[[1]], 1:2 + 0.5)
> Putting to one side the issue of testthat’s putative faults, I am happy 
> to debug this myself, but how can I reproduce the platform to do it on?
> David
> On Thu, 13 Jun 2019 at 08:39, Uwe Ligges 
> <ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de 
> <mailto:ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de>> wrote:
>     You can assume that CRAN packages are available within a day for on
>     demand checks and even at once for CRAN incoming checks on winbuilder.
>     Nevertheless, I have no idea where the problem comes from given the
>     standard test mechanisms are not use and hence output does not show
>     what
>     the actual test was.
>     Best,
>     Uwe Ligges
>     On 13.06.2019 06:59, David Hugh-Jones wrote:
>      > Hi Duncan,
>      >
>      > Of course I appreciate the value of a centralised repository, and I
>      > acknowledge the hard work that goes into maintaining it. That
>     does not mean
>      > that it should be beyond criticism. I wrote out of frustration,
>     but also
>      > because I hope things could be better.
>      >
>      > David
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      > On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 at 23:26, Duncan Murdoch
>     <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com <mailto:murdoch.duncan using gmail.com>>
>      > wrote:
>      >
>      >> On 12/06/2019 4:57 p.m., David Hugh-Jones wrote:
>      >>> Hi all,
>      >>>
>      >>> Not for the first time, my package has a bug that isn't found
>     on rhub,
>      >>> travis, appveyor, or my local machine, but is found on CRAN.
>     This time
>      >> it's
>      >>> Windows-only, so I can't even download a Docker image and
>     investigate
>      >> that
>      >>> way.
>      >>>
>      >>> TBH I am not very enthused by having to treat CRAN servers as
>     "ground
>      >>> truth", when there seems no way to reliably reproduce their
>      >> configuration,
>      >>> figure out what versions of packages are used, etc. Am I missing
>      >> something?
>      >>> Is another world possible?
>      >>
>      >> Nothing is forcing you to release your package on CRAN.  The only
>      >> advantage to doing so is that they maintain high standards,
>     which means
>      >> people trust them.
>      >>
>      >> Just put your package on Github, and anyone can use it, no
>     matter how
>      >> bad it is.
>      >>
>      >> Duncan Murdoch
>      >>
>      >>>
>      >>> Anyway, the error is at:
>      >>>
>      >>
>     https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/huxtable_4.6.0_20190612_195453/Windows/examples_and_tests/
>      >>> and it seems to relate to the openxlsx package, which is on
> since
>      >>> May 28 - presumably long enough for the latest version to be
>     available on
>      >>> win-builder. Any ideas would be welcome....
>      >>>
>      >>> David
>      >>>
>      >>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>      >>>
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