[R-pkg-devel] package cartograflow_1.0.0.tar.gz

c@rtogr@iiow m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com c@rtogr@iiow m@iii@g oii gm@ii@com
Sun May 5 14:44:24 CEST 2019

After I submitted my package I received some remarks e.g add the exmple that I've taken into account. 
So, I used R-devel CMD check, I've always one 1 note about maintener which it's not a problem to submit and another note due to package size. 
* checking installed package size ... NOTE  installed size is  5.0Mb
  sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
    doc   4.4Mb...
I would like to know if I can submit in CRAN with this note if not, do you hnow how I can solve this issue? 
In vignette directories the html file size is of 4.3MB. I don't know how I can reduce the size. There are a lot of picture (cartography). 
Thanks in advance to your replySylvain

    Le dimanche 7 avril 2019 à 21:32:07 UTC+2, Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com> a écrit :  
 On 07/04/2019 3:01 p.m., cartograflow using gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks!
> So, I've already check and I didn't see the descrption of the note in 
> 00check.log.
> The only thing I can say is that there's a problem with Author.
> I tried to put Authors using R and it also generates notes.
> Do you have any idea?
> You will find hereafter the copy of the file 00check.log.
> Thanks in advance
> ----------------
> * using log directory ‘/home/sylvain/svn/cartograflow.Rcheck’
> * using R Under development (unstable) (2019-04-04 r76316)
> * using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> * using session charset: UTF-8
> * using option ‘--as-cran’
> * checking for file ‘cartograflow/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
> * this is package ‘cartograflow’ version ‘’
> * package encoding: UTF-8
> * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
> Maintainer: ‘Sylvain Blondeau <blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr>’
> New submission
> Author field should be Authors using R.  Current value is:
>    c(person("Sylvain", "Blondeau", email = "blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr", 
> role = c("cre","aut")),
>              person("other", "other", email = "other.other using gmail.com", 
> role = c("aut")))

That second author doesn't look right, but I don't think the note is 
complaining about that.  I think you probably have put something like 
this in your DESCRIPTION file:

Author:  c(person("Sylvain", "Blondeau", email = 
"blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr", role = c("cre","aut")),
            person("other", "other", email = "other.other using gmail.com",
role = c("aut")))

and what it is saying is that you should instead use

Authors using R:  c(person("Sylvain", "Blondeau", email = 
"blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr", role = c("cre","aut")),
            person("other", "other", email = "other.other using gmail.com",
role = c("aut")))

If my guess is right and you fix it, you may still get a NOTE.  To make 
it easier for the CRAN maintainers to know who to contact in case of an 
issue with the package, they display information about the package 
maintainer in a NOTE.  Since most NOTEs indicate likely problems, it 
would probably make sense for them to use some other formatting for the 
message, but that's how it is.

Duncan Murdoch

> * checking package namespace information ... OK
> * checking package dependencies ... OK
> * checking if this is a source package ... OK
> * checking if there is a namespace ... OK
> * checking for executable files ... OK
> * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK
> * checking for portable file names ... OK
> * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK
> * checking serialization versions ... OK
> * checking whether package ‘cartograflow’ can be installed ... OK
> * checking installed package size ... OK
> * checking package directory ... OK
> * checking for future file timestamps ... OK
> * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK
> * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
> * checking top-level files ... OK
> * checking for left-over files ... OK
> * checking index information ... OK
> * checking package subdirectories ... OK
> * checking R files for non-ASCII characters ... OK
> * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK
> * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK
> * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK
> * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
> * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies 
> ... OK
> * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK
> * checking use of S3 registration ... OK
> * checking dependencies in R code ... OK
> * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK
> * checking replacement functions ... OK
> * checking foreign function calls ... OK
> * checking R code for possible problems ... OK
> * checking Rd files ... OK
> * checking Rd metadata ... OK
> * checking Rd line widths ... OK
> * checking Rd cross-references ... OK
> * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK
> * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK
> * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK
> * checking Rd contents ... OK
> * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK
> * checking installed files from ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
> * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK
> * checking examples ... OK
> * checking for unstated dependencies in ‘tests’ ... OK
> * checking tests ... OK
>    Running ‘testthat.R’
> * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
> * checking package vignettes in ‘inst/doc’ ... OK
> * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... OK
> * checking PDF version of manual ... OK
> * DONE
> Status: 1 NOTE
> Le dimanche 7 avril 2019 à 18:22:32 UTC+2, Duncan Murdoch 
> <murdoch.duncan using gmail.com> a écrit :
> On 07/04/2019 12:16 p.m., cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com> wrote:
>  > Hi,Thanks to your reply and your information. Right now it stays only 
> one note when I've made R-devel CMD CHECK --as-cran. So, I didn't 
> identified this note in repertory R.check. What's file I've to check?I'd 
> like to know if I can new submission in CRAN with one note. Sylvain
> It will be in cartograflow.Rcheck/00check.log.
> Duncan Murdoch
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  > Envoyé depuis Yahoo Mail pour Android
>  >
>  >    Le jeu., avr. 4, 2019 à 17:09, Maëlle 
> SALMON<maelle.salmon using yahoo.se <mailto:maelle.salmon using yahoo.se>> a écrit 
> :    I'd recommend reading 
> https://r-pkgs.org/description.html#dependencies (and the rest of the 
> book is very good as well), it'll help you understand why and how to 
> declare dependencies.
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >      Den torsdag 4 april 2019 17:05:02 CEST, cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com> <cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>> skrev:
>  >
>  >  How I can declare the dependencies in DESCRIPTION file?
>  >   depends: library(dplyr,dependencies =TRUE)
>  > Thanks
>  > Envoyé depuis Yahoo Mail pour Android
>  >
>  >    Le jeu., avr. 4, 2019 à 14:42, Uwe 
> Ligges<ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de 
> <mailto:ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de>> a écrit :  .... or forgot to 
> declare a dependency on that package in the
>  > DESCRIPTION file...
>  >
>  > Best,
>  > Uwe Ligges
>  >
>  > On 04.04.2019 13:34, Sebastian Meyer wrote:
>  >> There are probably no clairvoyants around here. So, again, without
>  >> access to the up-to-date source code of your package, nobody will be
>  >> able to help.
>  >>
>  >> "there is no package called ..." means that the given package is not
>  >> installed in any of the libraries currently in use by R (see .libPaths()
>  >> for the relevant paths). Maybe you have installed "dplyr" in a library
>  >> used by your standard R installation, but not in any library used by
>  >> your R-devel installation (which you seem to use for checking the
>  >> package)? Just a wild guess.
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> Am 04.04.19 um 13:14 schrieb cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>:
>  >>> I follow up your recommendation and for the moment I didn't used
>  >>> "conflicted".
>  >>>
>  >>> So, I've made the nex R CMD check and I have the problem
>  >>> Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck =
>  >>> vI[[i]]) :
>  >>>      there is no package called ‘dplyr’
>  >>>
>  >>> How I can  solve this issue?
>  >>>
>  >>> Thanks in advance
>  >>>
>  >>> Le jeudi 4 avril 2019 à 08:22:26 UTC+2, Sebastian Meyer
>  >>> <seb.meyer using fau.de <mailto:seb.meyer using fau.de>> a écrit :
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>> Note that output concerning masked objects are just messages which do
>  >>> not cause your vignette to fail. So it is not stricly necessary to 
> start
>  >>> working on these conflicts now.
>  >>>
>  >>> However, looking closely at the win-builder check results
>  >>> 
> (https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/cartograflow_0.0.0.9000_20190324_230822/Windows/00check.log),
>  >>> I see the following output below these messages
>  >>>
>  >>>> Warning in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : NAs introduced by coercion
>  >>>> Quitting from lines 529-573 (cartograflow.Rmd)
>  >>>> Error: processing vignette 'cartograflow.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
>  >>>> argument is of length zero
>  >>>
>  >>> So the problem actually is in lines 529-573 of the cartograflow.Rmd
>  >>> vignette (at least in the version submitted to win-builder a few 
> weeks ago).
>  >>>
>  >>> Running tools::buildVignette("cartograflow.Rmd") locally, I see
>  >>>
>  >>>> Error in if (horiz) { : argument is of length zero
>  >>>
>  >>> and the subsequent traceback() shows that the error originates from
>  >>>
>  >>>> layoutLayer(title = "Professional mobility in Greater Paris",
>  >>>>            coltitle = "black", author = "Cartograflow, 2019", 
> sources =
>  >>> "Sources : data : INSEE, RP, MOBPRO, 2017 ; basemap : IGN, APUR, UMS
>  >>> 2414 RIATE, 2018.",
>  >>>>            scale = 0.2, tabtitle = TRUE, frame = TRUE, north(pos =
>  >>> "topright"),
>  >>>>            col = "grey")
>  >>>
>  >>> So it seems to me that the unnamed argument 'north(pos = 
> "topright")' is
>  >>> wrongly matched to the "horiz" argument of layoutLayer().
>  >>>
>  >>> Cheers,
>  >>>
>  >>>        Sebastian
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>> Am 04.04.19 um 07:20 schrieb cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>
>  >>> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>>:
>  >>>>
>  >>>> Hi,I don't know if my explanations are clear.I tried several way to
>  >>> solve this problem w/o success. Someone have an idea ?Thanks in advance
>  >>>>
>  >>>> On 2019-04-03 2:11 p.m., cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>
>  >>> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>> wrote:
>  >>>>>      Hi,
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> I come back to you  because I have always the problem with
>  >>> devtools::check of my package.
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> I used the command to check my package with R-devel :
>  >>>>> sylvain using sylvain <mailto:sylvain using sylvain> <mailto:sylvain using sylvain 
> <mailto:sylvain using sylvain>>:~/svn$ bash R-devel.sh CMD
>  >>> check --as-cran
>  >>> /home/sylvain/work/12_R_studio/package/cartograflow_0.0.0.1.tar.gz
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> When I start the rmd file there is a warning due to package dplyr :
>  >>>>>            Attaching package: 'dplyr'
>  >>>>>            The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
>  >>>>>                        filter, lag
>  >>>>>            The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
>  >>>>>                        intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> The solve this issue I added in rmd file, description file and the
>  >>> namespace the package conflicted.
>  >>>>> So, the package conflicted avoid to have this warning.
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> But when I run R-devel CMD check I have a new issue that is Error in
>  >>> loadNamespace...no package called ‘conflicted’ (see below)
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> Can you help me to solve this issue if tit's possible?
>  >>>>> Thanks in advance to your help !
>  >>>>> Sylvain
>  >>>>> -----------------
>  >>>>> Below extract of 00check.log
>  >>>>> * checking whether package ‘cartograflow’ can be installed ... ERROR
>  >>>>> Installation failed.
>  >>>>> See ‘/home/sylvain/svn/cartograflow.Rcheck/00install.out’ for 
> details.
>  >>>>> * DONE
>  >>>>> Status: 1 ERROR, 1 NOTE
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> Below 00install.out
>  >>>>> * installing *source* package ‘cartograflow’ ...
>  >>>>> ** using staged installation
>  >>>>> ** R
>  >>>>> ** inst
>  >>>>> ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
>  >>>>> Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck =
>  >>> vI[[i]]) :
>  >>>>>      there is no package called ‘conflicted’
>  >>>>> Calls: <Anonymous> ... loadNamespace -> withRestarts ->
>  >>> withOneRestart -> doWithOneRestart
>  >>>>> Exécution arrêtée
>  >>>>> ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘cartograflow’
>  >>>>> * removing ‘/home/sylvain/svn/cartograflow.Rcheck/cartograflow’
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>        Le mardi 26 mars 2019 à 22:42:21 UTC+1, Henrik Bengtsson
>  >>> <henrik.bengtsson using gmail.com <mailto:henrik.bengtsson using gmail.com> 
> <mailto:henrik.bengtsson using gmail.com <mailto:henrik.bengtsson using gmail.com>>> 
> a écrit :
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>>      FWIW, you should be able to reproduce at least the following 
>  >>>>> with your current R 3.5.2 and R CMD check --as-cran:
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> * checking CRAN incoming feasibility ... NOTE
>  >>>>> Maintainer: ‘cartogRaflow <cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>
>  >>> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>>>’
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> New submission
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> Version contains large components (
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> Possibly mis-spelled words in DESCRIPTION:
>  >>>>>      flowmapping (7:41)
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> Author field should be Authors using R. <mailto:Authors using R.> 
> <mailto:Authors using R. <mailto:Authors using R.>>  Current value is:
>  >>>>>      c(person("Françoise", "Bahoken", email =
>  >>>>> "francoise.bahoken using ifsttar.fr 
> <mailto:francoise.bahoken using ifsttar.fr> 
> <mailto:francoise.bahoken using ifsttar.fr 
> <mailto:francoise.bahoken using ifsttar.fr>>",
>  >>> role = c("cre","aut")),
>  >>>>>                person("Sylvain", "Blondeau", email =
>  >>>>> "blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr <mailto:blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr> 
> <mailto:blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr <mailto:blondeau.sylvain using yahoo.fr>>", role
>  >>> = c("aut"))
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> The Title field should be in title case. Current version is:
>  >>>>> ‘thematic cartography of flows and movements’
>  >>>>> In title case that is:
>  >>>>> ‘Thematic Cartography of Flows and Movements’
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> Those are all classical mistakes ("we've all been there").  The
>  >>>>> vignette errors may or may not be specific to R devel.
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> /Henrik
>  >>>>>
>  >>>>> On Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 2:29 PM cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>
>  >>> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>>
>  >>>>> <cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com> 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>>> wrote:
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> Hi,  l've made R CMD check --as-cran on rstudio 3.5.2Why I have to
>  >>> use r-devel?
>  >>>>>> I confirm that I didn't received à error message when I've made
>  >>> dev_tool::check.
>  >>>>>> How can I solve my problem ?
>  >>>>>> Thanks in advance Sylvain
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> nvoyé depuis Yahoo Mail pour Android
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>      Le lun., mars 25, 2019 à 23:38, Uwe
>  >>> Ligges<ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de 
> <mailto:ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de>
>  >>> <mailto:ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de 
> <mailto:ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de>>> a écrit :  I cannot beloeve
>  >>> it. But this is certainly not R-devel?
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> Not sure about devtools which we do not use on CRAN, but simply
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> R CMD check --as-cran
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> with a recent R-devel  version on the package tarball should 
> reproduce
>  >>>>>> the findings.
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> Best,
>  >>>>>> Uwe Ligges
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>>
>  >>>>>> On 25.03.2019 23:12, cartograflow using gmail.com 
> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>
>  >>> <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com <mailto:cartograflow using gmail.com>> wrote:
>  >>>>>>> Hello,
>  >>>>>>> I've submitted my package cartograflow and I received an email from
>  >>> your teeam that it does not pass the incoming checks
>  >>> automatically.Debian:
>  >>> 
> <https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/cartograflow_0.0.0.9000_20190324_230822/Debian/00check.log>
>  >>>>>>> Status: 1 ERROR, 2 WARNINGs, 1 NOTE
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>> So, I've made the new check on my plateform (linux ubuntu) and the
>  >>> check is OK.I used : ==> devtools::check(args =
>  >>> c('--no-manual','--as-cran'))Status is :
>  >>>>>>> ── R CMD check results ──────────────────────────── cartograflow
>  >>> ────
>  >>>>>>> Duration: 54.6s
>  >>>>>>> 0 errors ✔ | 0 warnings ✔ | 0 notes ✔
>  >>>>>>> R CMD check succeeded
>  >>>>>>> Can you  help me to fix the problem?
>  >>>>>>> Thanks in advance to your replySylvain
>  >>>>>>>        [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>  >>>>>>>
>  >>>>>>> ______________________________________________
>  >>>>>>> R-package-devel using r-project.org 
> <mailto:R-package-devel using r-project.org>
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