[R-pkg-devel] How to debug CRAN errors?

William Dunlap wdun|@p @end|ng |rom t|bco@com
Wed Mar 13 18:52:00 CET 2019

You can stick your own version of expect_silent into the test file.  Have
it print
the messages, output, and warnings that it finds.

Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 10:13 AM David Hugh-Jones <davidhughjones using gmail.com>

> Hi Bill,
> I take your point. Meanwhile, though, is there any way to debug the
> problem? I’ll assume that making repeated uploads to CRAN is not a viable
> approach.... it would be great if there were a Docker image of their setup
> available, for example.
> On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 17:00, William Dunlap <wdunlap using tibco.com> wrote:
>> The complaint
>> > test_check("huxtable")
>>      -- 1. Failure: Data written in appropriate format
>> (@test-openxlsx.R#101) ------
>>      `openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = "test-xlsx.xlsx", overwrite =
>> TRUE)` produced messages.
>> comes from your call to testthat::expect_silent()
>> test_that("Data written in appropriate format", {
>>   hx <- huxtable(a = 1:2 + 0.5, b = -1:-2 + 0.5, d = letters[1:2],
>> add_colnames = TRUE)
>>   wb <- as_Workbook(hx)
>>   expect_silent(openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, file = "test-xlsx.xlsx",
>> overwrite = TRUE))
>> Perhaps you should suggest to the authors of testthat that it would be
>> nice if expect_silent() showed some of the text of the messages, etc.,
>> instead of just saying that messages were produced.
>> By the way, I think your test test should write to a file in [a
>> subdirectory of]] tempdir(), not to a file in the current directory.
>> comes from
>> Bill Dunlap
>> TIBCO Software
>> wdunlap tibco.com
>> On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 8:50 AM David Hugh-Jones <
>> davidhughjones using gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > My package has errors on CRAN's Linux and Solaris:
>> >
>> > https://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_huxtable.html
>> >
>> > which I can't reproduce on my local OSX Machine, nor on Linux on Travis.
>> >
>> > Does anyone have any general hints on how to reproduce and/or debug such
>> > errors?
>> >
>> > Specifically the error relates to a call to openxlsx::saveWorkbook
>> > producing a message. openxlsx hasn't changed recently, though.
>> >
>> > Cheers,
>> > David
>> >
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>> >
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