[R-pkg-devel] package docu

Troels Ring tr|ng @end|ng |rom gvdnet@dk
Sat Jan 26 14:31:06 CET 2019

Dear Michael - fantastic: TOTAL is now acknowledged -- so I only need the constants kw, K3, and Kc from the utility_acid.r file - how for format their documentation - they are available as required inside and outside the package.

All best wishes

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Michael Dewey <lists using dewey.myzen.co.uk> 
Sendt: 26. januar 2019 13:17
Til: Troels Ring <tring using gvdnet.dk>; package-develop <r-package-devel using r-project.org>
Emne: Re: [R-pkg-devel] package docu

Dear Troels

What happens if you add \alias{TOTAL}


On 26/01/2019 08:15, Troels Ring wrote:
> Dear friends - I'm struggling to get the documentation of my package 
> correct. The working package is now (with your help!) at
> devtools::install_github("troelsring/ABCharge")
> and in its proto version includes only a single dataset "brom.RData" 
> which has two components, a data.frame "brom" and a matrix TOTAL. 
> These are documented in the brom.RD file shown below.
> \name{brom}
> \alias{brom}
> \docType{data}
> \title{
> bromic acid data from Glaser et al 2014
> }
> \description{
>    Data to find optimal pK for bromic acid
> }
> \usage{data("brom")}
> \format{
> A workspace.
>    \describe{
>      \item{brom}{Dataframe of Table S4 in Glaser et al.}
>      \item{TOTAL}{Matrix of buffer concentrations.}
>    }
> }
> \source{
> Glaser RE et al. Dynamical approach to multiequilibria problems for 
> mixtures of
> acids and their conjugate bases. J Chem Educ 2014; 91: 1009-1016
> }
> \examples{
> data(brom)
> ----- a long example - works well
> Now when running ctrl-shift-E, I get
>> checking for missing documentation entries ... WARNING
>    Undocumented code objects:
>      'K3' 'Kc' 'kw'
>    Undocumented data sets:
>      'TOTAL'
>    All user-level objects in a package should have documentation entries.
>    See chapter 'Writing R documentation files' in the 'Writing R
>    Extensions' manual.
> 0 errors v | 1 warning x | 0 notes v
> Fejl: R CMD check found WARNINGs
> run stoppet
> Exited with status 1.
> I wonder why the specification of TOTAL in the RD file is ignored?
> Also the three constants kw, Kc, and K3 are not properly documented. 
> They are declared and exported in the utility_acid.r file and I have 
> tried to document them as  @params in that file but it seems to be 
> ignored and cause other problems so I have them at present 
> undocumented since I don't know where to put the documentation.
> 	[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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