[R-pkg-devel] use g++ instead of clang++ on Mac OS

Jan Wijffels jw|j||e|@ @end|ng |rom bno@@c@be
Thu Jan 24 14:57:36 CET 2019


I'm trying to fix an issue with the ruimtehol R package
https://github.com/bnosac/ruimtehol on Mac OS. The package contains C++
code following the C++11 standard. The package is built on Mac OS with
clang++ but I would like to compile it with g++ instead.

The manual on R extensions at
mentions that

> It is possible to specify ‘CXX11’ to be a distinct compiler just for
> C++11–using packages, e.g. g++ on Solaris.

I tried to set such a directive in my src/Makevars file but appartently
failed to set it correctly. How do I set in the src/Makevars such that the
compilation is done using g++ instead of clang++
My src/Makevars looks like this. I appreciate any help on this matter.

PKG_LIBS = -pthread
compliance.h $(SHLIB_PTHREAD_FLAGS) -I./Starspace/src

SOURCES = Starspace/src/utils/args.cpp
Starspace/src/utils/normalize.cpp Starspace/src/utils/utils.cpp
SOURCES += Starspace/src/data.cpp Starspace/src/dict.cpp
Starspace/src/doc_data.cpp Starspace/src/doc_parser.cpp
Starspace/src/model.cpp Starspace/src/parser.cpp
Starspace/src/proj.cpp Starspace/src/starspace.cpp
SOURCES += rcpp_textspace.cpp
SOURCES += compliance.cpp
SOURCES += RcppExports.cpp

OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)

.PHONY: all

all: $(SHLIB); rm -f $(OBJECTS)

thank you,

Jan Wijffels
www.bnosac.be  | +32 486 611708

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