[R-pkg-devel] NAMESPACE importFrom("stats", "uniroot")

Troels Ring tring @ending from gvdnet@dk
Fri Jan 11 17:30:22 CET 2019

Dear friends - I'm slowly learning to make packages in RStudio and it seems
impressive. I managed now to have my acidbase package pass the check-package
test with this result


> checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE

  pH_general: no visible global function definition for 'uniroot'

  Undefined global functions or variables:


  Consider adding

    importFrom("stats", "uniroot")

  to your NAMESPACE file.


0 errors v | 0 warnings v | 1 note x


R CMD check succeeded


So I have much use of uniroot in the package but get this "note" above and a
suggestion to augment the NAMESPACE file - so even though it was issuing : #
Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

I of course tried adding by hand - and in the next run the NAMESPACE file
was quite empty and without any exports and the added import while before it
exported a number of functions. So I deleted this unwelcome NAMESPACE and
got the old one back. 

I also tried adding importFrom("stats", "uniroot") as #'
@importFrom("stats", "uniroot") to the r file with the routine using uniroot
but that didn't change the NAMESPACE or remove the note when checking. It
may be no big problem - but I'd like to see no notes or warnings 


Best wishes

Troels - on Windows version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) 



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