[R-pkg-devel] Weird error message during R CMD Check
martiankabe at gmail.com
martiankabe at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 22:15:27 CET 2018
Hi Duncan,
could you help me fix this issue, please?
Below is function which creates connection string.
#' Create connection string from function parameters
#' This function defines SQL Server connection string
#' from function parameters.
#' @param datasource Server name
#' @param database Database name
#' @param usr Username
#' @param pwd Password
#' @note If username and password missing or empty \strong{Integrated Security=True} is used in connection string instead.
#' @return Connection string
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set_connString("LAPTOP-USER\\SQLEXPRESS", "Database_Name")
set_connString <- function(datasource, database, usr, pwd) {
ds <- paste("Data Source=", datasource, ";", sep = "")
db <- paste("Initial Catalog=", database, ";", sep = "")
if ((missing(usr) & missing(pwd)) || (usr=="" & pwd=="")) {
last_param <- "Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;"
} else {
last_param <- paste("Integrated Security=False;", "User Id=", usr, ";", "Password=", pwd, ";", "MultipleActiveResultSets=True;", sep = "")
return(paste('"', ds, db, last_param, '"', sep = ""))
This connection string is then passed to get_DB_info function – see below.
How can I fix object ‘connectionString’ not found issue?
Thank you for any of your advice.
#' Get database info
#' This function retrieves basic info about database defined
#' in SQL Server connection string.
#' @param connectionString Connection string to SQL server
#' @return Returns data.frame and data.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_DB_info(connectionString)
#' @note How to set up SQL Server connection string see \link{set_connString}. Be also sure you have a permissions for access to sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats:
#' check it with SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats. If not, contact your SQL Server admin.
get_DB_info <- function(connectionString) {
if (missing(connectionString)) {
print("Connection string is missing!")
return("Try it again")
# connectionString <- connectionString
pathtocsvloader <- gsub("/","\\\\",paste(system.file(package = "RSQLS")[1],"/Loader/csv_to_sql_loader.exe", sep = ""))
pathtocsvloader <- replace_spaced_words(pathtocsvloader)
pathtocsvloader <- gsub('.{1}$', '', pathtocsvloader)
# logic for pathtocsvfiles variable
pathtocsvfiles <- gsub("/","\\\\",paste(system.file(package = "RSQLS")[1],"/Data/", sep = ""))
if (!endsWith(pathtocsvfiles, "\\")) {
pathtocsvfiles <- paste(pathtocsvfiles,"\\", sep = "")
sqltabname <- "tempDBInfo"
sqltabname <- gsub("\\[|\\]", "", sqltabname)
if (length(strsplit(sqltabname,"\\.")[[1]]) > 1) {
sqltabname_prev <- gsub("^[^.]*.", "", sqltabname)
} else {
sqltabname_prev <- sqltabname
sql_tab_name <- paste('"', sqltabname, '"', sep = "") # '"dbo.CFTC_Disaggregated_Raw_test"'
sql_task <- paste('"dbinfo"', sep = "")
real_pathtocsvfile <- paste('"', pathtocsvfiles, paste(sqltabname_prev, ".csv", sep = ""),'"', sep = "")
file_to_be_deleted <- paste(pathtocsvfiles, paste(sqltabname_prev, ".csv", sep = ""), sep = "")
ss <- paste('', pathtocsvloader, " ", connectionString, " ", sql_task, " ", real_pathtocsvfile, " ", "null", sep = "")
# Call shell command
oldw <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
sc <- shell(ss)
if (file.exists(file_to_be_deleted)){
out <- data.table::fread(file_to_be_deleted, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "~", fill = TRUE)
} else{
options(warn = oldw)
stop('See the previous messages for more details.')
# Delete csv file
if (file.exists(file_to_be_deleted)){
} else{
options(warn = oldw)
stop('See the previous messages for more details.')
if( sc == 1 ) {
options(warn = oldw)
stop('See the previous messages for more details.')
} else {
options(warn = oldw)
-----Původní zpráva-----
Od: Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com>
Odesláno: 13 March 2018 23:22
Komu: martiankabe at gmail.com; r-package-devel-bounces at r-project.org
Kopie: r-package-devel at r-project.org
Předmět: Re: [R-pkg-devel] Weird error message during R CMD Check
On 13/03/2018 4:53 PM, <mailto:martiankabe at gmail.com> martiankabe at gmail.com wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to submit my package to CRAN but receiving the following
> error message.
> object 'connectionString' not found
Your example never defined a variable called connectionString, so you can't pass it to a function.
Duncan Murdoch
> even if it is parameter of get_DB_info(connectionString) function -
> see the function definition below error message.
> Please, can you help me to understand what should be fixed in the code
> so that I could successfully submit my package to CRAN?
> Thanks a lot for any of your help in advance.
> Best,
> Martin
> <https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/180313_212715_RSQLS> https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/180313_212715_RSQLS
> _16/00
> check.log
> * checking examples ...
> ** running examples for arch 'i386' ... ERROR
> Running examples in 'RSQLS-Ex.R' failed
> The error most likely occurred in:
>> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
>> ### Name: get_DB_info
>> ### Title: Get database info
>> ### Aliases: get_DB_info
>> ### ** Examples
>> get_DB_info(connectionString)
> Error in paste("", pathtocsvloader, " ", connectionString, " ", sql_task, :
> object 'connectionString' not found
> Calls: get_DB_info -> paste
> Execution halted
> ** running examples for arch 'x64' ... ERROR
> Running examples in 'RSQLS-Ex.R' failed
> The error most likely occurred in:
>> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
>> ### Name: get_DB_info
>> ### Title: Get database info
>> ### Aliases: get_DB_info
>> ### ** Examples
>> get_DB_info(connectionString)
> Error in paste("", pathtocsvloader, " ", connectionString, " ", sql_task, :
> object 'connectionString' not found
> Calls: get_DB_info -> paste
> Execution halted
> * checking PDF version of manual ... OK
> * DONE
> Status: 2 ERRORs, 3 WARNINGs, 4 NOTEs
> ------------------------------------ get_DB_info(connectionString)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> #' Get database info
> #'
> #' This function retrieves basic info about database defined
> #' in SQL Server connection string.
> #' @param connectionString Connection string to SQL server
> #' @return Returns data.frame and data.table
> #' @export
> #' @examples
> #' get_DB_info(connectionString)
> #' @note How to set up SQL Server connection string see
> \link{set_connString}. Be also sure you have a permissions for access
> to
> sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats:
> #' check it with SELECT * FROM sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats. If not,
> contact your SQL Server admin.
> get_DB_info <- function(connectionString) {
> options(scipen=999)
> if (missing(connectionString)) {
> print("Connection string is missing!")
> return("Try it again")
> }
> pathtocsvloader <- gsub("/","\\\\",paste(system.file(package =
> "RSQLS")[1],"/Loader/csv_to_sql_loader.exe", sep = ""))
> pathtocsvloader <- replace_spaced_words(pathtocsvloader)
> pathtocsvloader <- gsub('.{1}$', '', pathtocsvloader)
> # logic for pathtocsvfiles variable
> pathtocsvfiles <- gsub("/","\\\\",paste(system.file(package =
> "RSQLS")[1],"/Data/", sep = ""))
> if (!endsWith(pathtocsvfiles, "\\")) {
> pathtocsvfiles <- paste(pathtocsvfiles,"\\", sep = "")
> }
> sqltabname <- "tempDBInfo"
> sqltabname <- gsub("\\[|\\]", "", sqltabname)
> if (length(strsplit(sqltabname," <file://.> \\.")[[1]]) > 1) {
> sqltabname_prev <- gsub("^[^.]*.", "", sqltabname)
> } else {
> sqltabname_prev <- sqltabname
> }
> sql_tab_name <- paste('"', sqltabname, '"', sep = "") #
> '"dbo.CFTC_Disaggregated_Raw_test"'
> sql_task <- paste('"dbinfo"', sep = "")
> real_pathtocsvfile <- paste('"', pathtocsvfiles,
> paste(sqltabname_prev, ".csv", sep = ""),'"', sep = "")
> file_to_be_deleted <- paste(pathtocsvfiles, paste(sqltabname_prev,
> ".csv", sep = ""), sep = "")
> ss <- paste('', pathtocsvloader, " ", connectionString, " ", sql_task, "
> ", real_pathtocsvfile, " ", "null", sep = "")
> # Call shell command
> oldw <- getOption("warn")
> options(warn = -1)
> sc <- shell(ss)
> if (file.exists(file_to_be_deleted)){
> out <- data.table::fread(file_to_be_deleted, stringsAsFactors =
> FALSE, sep = "~", fill = TRUE)
> } else{
> options(warn = oldw)
> stop('See the previous messages for more details.')
> }
> # Delete csv file
> if (file.exists(file_to_be_deleted)){
> invisible(file.remove(file_to_be_deleted))
> } else{
> options(warn = oldw)
> stop('See the previous messages for more details.')
> }
> if( sc == 1 ) {
> options(warn = oldw)
> stop('See the previous messages for more details.')
> } else {
> options(warn = oldw)
> }
> return(out)
> }
> ---
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